A lot of research has been done in this institute on the various aspects of sugar and alcohol manufacture leading to a number of discoveries. These were made available to the sugar industry freely and without any restriction. With increasing globalisation and awareness of intellectual property rights the need to patent one's invention has increased.
With this in mind the following the following patents have been obtained -:
S.No | Patent details | Patent number |
1 | A Process for preparation of sweetener from starch | Indian Patent No 148425 |
2 | A Process for refining the crude sugar cane wax | Indian Patent No 176011 |
3 | A Process for preparation of fullerene from sugar | Indian Patent No 190772 |
4 | A Process for producing HMF and Levulinic. | Indian Patent No 191077 |
5 | A Process for demineralization & de-colorization of cane juice without use of Sulphur-di-oxie. | Indian Patent No 245639 |
6 | A Process of Sugarcane Juice Clarification to obtain Sulphurless Sugar. | Indian Patent No 331005 |
7 | A Process for preparing Sulphurless white sugar. | Patent Application No. 1371/DEL/2010 of 14.06.2011 |
8 | A novel electrode for electrolytic clarification of cane juice. | Patent Application No. 3572/Del/2013 dt 09.12.13 |
9 | A Process for purification of sugar factory condensate and effluents using novel apparatus. | Patent Application No. 201611026900 dtd 06-08-2016 |
10 | A method for preparation of graphene oxide from sugarcane bagasse. | Patent Application No. 201711016786 dtd 12-05-2017 |
11 | A method for synthesis of non-ionic surfactant from sugarcane bagasse. | Patent Application No. 201711045463 dtd 18-12-2017 |
12 | Spectrophotometric Method for Determination of Phosphate in Sugarcane Juice using Organic Aqueous Media. | Applied on 03.07.2018 |