1) A research paper entitled “Melt Carbonation – A Different Approach & its Comparison with Phosphatation” by Narendra Mohan & Mahendra Yadav, sent for publication in the proceeding of Deccan Sugar Technologists Association (DSTA).
2) A research paper entitled “Silica Nanoparticles from Sugarcane Bagasse Fly Ash: Converting Waste to Wealth” by Shalini Kumari, Vishnu Prabhakar Srivastava & Narendra Mohan sent for publication in the International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) Volume 12, Issue 4, April2023.
3) A research paper entitled “Ethanol from Maize: A Potential Feed Stock” by Narendra Mohan sent for publication in the proceeding of Annual Convention of Sugar Technologists' Association of India (STAI).
4) A research paper entitled “Performance of Grossly Polluting Industries-Sugar & Distillery Units Located in River Ganga Basin” by Narendra Mohan & Anoop Kanaujia, published in the proceeding of National Seminar on “Water & Effluent Management in Sugar Industry-Emerging Challenges” organized at National Sugar Institute, Kanpur.
5) A research paper entitled “A Sustainable Indian Sugar Industry Through Efficient Exploitation of Sugarcane ByProducts” by Narendra Mohan & Anoop Kanaujia published in the Sharkara, APRIL-JUNE 2023, VOLUME: 55, NO. 01 ISBN: 978-93-5445-372-4.
6) A research paper entitled “Sweet Sorghum: A Wonder Crop” by Shalini Kumari, Mamta Shukla, Shruti Shukla and Himanshu Mishra has been sent for publication in proceeding of the Annual Convention of The Sugar Technologists' Association of India (STAI).
7) A research paper entitled “Comparative Study of Activated Biochar from Sugarcane Bagasse and Sweet Sorghum Bagasse in Dec-colorisation of Sugar Melt” by Shalini Kumari, Sudhanshu Mohan and Narendra Mohan, has been sent for publication in proceeding of the Annual Convention of Sugar Technologists' Association of India (STAI).
1) A research paper entitled “An Improved Electric Drive for Sugarcane Preparatory Devices” by Vinay Kumar, D Swain, Narendra Mohan sent for publication in 95th SASTA Congress to be held at Durban, South Africa from 15th – 17th August 2023.
2) A research paper entitled “Measure to Reduce Consumption of Process Chemicals in Sugar Factories” by S. K. Trivedi & Narendra Mohan, sent for publication in National Federation of Cooperative Sugar Factories Limited.
3) A research paper entitled “Augmentation of Alcohol Based Hand Sanitizer Production Capacities in India- A Success Story” by Narendra Mohan & Vishnu Prabahakar Srivastava, sent for publication in SHARKARA (January – March 2023) of National Sugar Institute, Kanpur.
4) A research paper entitled “Problems and Challenges for Sugarcane farmers in Northern India / Sub-Tropical India- A case study” by Anshika Pandey, Sharad Babu, Lokesh Babar, Ashok Kumar and Narendra Mohan published in Indian Sugar Journal, February 2023.
1) A research paper entitled “Bagasse based value-added products: Looking beyond boundaries” by Narendra Mohan published in Indian Sugar Journal, October – 2022.
2) A research paper entitled “Sugar Industry-Harnessing the Unexploited Potential” by Narendra Mohan sent for publication in 10th International Conference on Sugar and Integrated Industries to be held in Luxor, Egypt, 11-16 February 2023.
3) A research paper entitled “Conservation of Energy in Sugar Industry” by Prof. D Swain sent for publication in 10th International Conference on Sugar and Integrated Industries to be held in Luxor, Egypt, 11-16 February 2023.
4) A research paper entitled “Healthier Sugar: Possibilities and Future Prospects” by Narendra Mohan, published in International Journal of Engineering research & Technology (IJERT), ISSN:2278-0181, Vol.11 Issue 11, November-2022.
5) A research paper entitled “Exploiting Sugarcane Value Chain – Indian Experience” by Narendra Mohan sent for publication in 95th SASTA Congress to be held at Durban, South Africa from 15th – 17th August 2023.
6) A research paper entitled “Classification of Indian Sugars – Then & Now” by Narendra Mohan sent for publication in Indian Sugar.
7) A research paper entitled “Sugar Beet: A Potential Crop for Production of Biofuel and other Value-Added Products” by Sharad Babu, Lokesh Babar, Ashok Kumar & Narendra Mohan published in “SHARKARA – October - December 2022”.
1) A research paper entitled “An overview of B-heavy molasses diversion for boosting ethanol production” by Narendra Mohan, Ananthalakshmi Ranganathan & Vivek Pratap Singh was presented in the Annual Convention - 2022 of The South Indian Sugarcane & Sugar Technologists’ Association (SISTA).
2) A research paper entitled “Production of Activated Bio-Char from sugar cane bagasse and its application in de-colourising sugar melt” by Narendra Mohan, Sudhanshu Mohan & Shalini Kumari has been published in International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), ISSN:2319-7064, SJIF (2022): 7.942.
3) A research paper entitled “Use of exergy of condensing steam” by Sanjay Chauhan and D. Swain was presented in the convention - 2022 of The South Indian Sugarcane & Sugar Technologists’ Association (SISTA).
4) A research paper entitled “Indian Sugar Industry: Atmanirbhar Sugar – Ethanol Model” by Narendra Mohan and Anoop Kumar Kanaujia was presented in the 67th Annual Convention -2022 of the Deccan Sugar Technologist’s Association (DSTA).
5) A research paper entitled “Analysis of Harmonics due to Electrical Drives at Milling Tandem” by Vinay Kumar and D. Swain, was presented in the Annual Convention-2022 of The Deccan Sugar Technologists' Association (DSTA).
6) A paper entitled "Comparative Study of Different Sugar Beet Varieties and Their Economic Sustainability for Ethanol Production in India" by Dr.Seema Paroha, D Swain & Dr. Ashok Kumar, sent to 7th IAPSIT International Sugar Conference & Sugar Tech Expo /Suagarcon-2022 being organized at the Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research, Lucknow.
7) A paper entitled “Myths about sugar consumption: facts & way forward” by Narendra Mohan sent to 7th IAPSIT International Sugar Conference & Sugar Tech Expo/ Suagarcon-2022 being organized at the Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research, Lucknow.
8) A paper entitled “Advent of artificial sweeteners- is it a threat to sugar consumption?” by Sneha Agarwal & Narendra Mohan published in “SHARKARA” (July – September 2022), VOLUME: 54, NO. 02, ISBN: 978-93-5445-372-4.
9) A paper entitled “Sugar Dust Explosion – Occurrence, Remedies and Prevention” by Sanjay Chauhan & D Swain sent to 7th IAPSIT International Sugar Conference & Sugar Tech Expo/ Suagarcon-2022 being organized at the Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research, Lucknow, India.
10) A paper entitled “Vanillin synthesis from sugarcane bagasse lignin in a bio-refinery concept” sent to 7th IAPSIT International Sugar Conference & Sugar Tech Expo/ Suagarcon-2022 being organized at the Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research, Lucknow, India.
1) A paper entitled “Hybrid Sulphitation Cum Re-Crystallization Process for Production of Superior Quality White Sugar” by Narendra Mohan, V. P. Srivastava, S Mohan & Ashish Kumar was sent for publication in the proceedings of seminar organized by The Deccan Sugar Technologists’ Association (India) seminar in collaboration with Vishwaraj Sugar Industries Ltd.
2) A research paper entitled “Artificial Sweeteners – A Threat to Sugar Consumption” by Sneha Agarwal & Narendra Mohan was sent for publication in 80th Annual Convention and International Sugar Expo 2022 of Sugar Technologists’ Association of India (STAI).
3) A research paper entitled “A Study to Synthesize Practical Substitute of 5-HMF from Sugarcane Bagasse Cellulose: A Biorefinery Approach to Access Furanic Bifules and ValueAdded Products” by Narendra Mohan, Vishnu Prabhakar Srivastava, Chitra Yadav & Mamta Shukla has been sent for publication in 80th Annual Convention and International Sugar Expo 2022 of Sugar Technologists’ Association of India (STAI).
4) A research paper entitled “HACCP Implementation for Jaggery Processing” by Ashok Kumar Garg, Anushka Akash Kanodia & Shruti Shukla has been sent for publication in 80th Annual Convention and International Sugar Expo 2022 of Sugar Technologists’ Association of India (STAI).
5) A research paper entitled “Preliminary Trials on Partial Cane Juice Concentration Through Reverse Osmosis Technology” by Narendra Mohan, Ashok Kumar Garg, Anurag Verma & Priya Bajpai has been sent for publication in 80th Annual Convention and International Sugar Expo 2022 of Sugar Technologists’ Association of India (STAI).
6) A research paper entitled “MECHANICAL VAPOUR RECOMPRESSION – FUTURE TOOL FOR STEAM ECONOMY” by Narendra Mohan, Mahendra Kumar Yadav & Amresh Pratap Singh has been sent for publication in 80th Annual Convention and International Sugar Expo 2022 of Sugar Technologists’ Association of India (STAI).
7) A research paper namely “Bio Ethanol – Saviour of Indian Sugar Industry” by Narendra Mohan has been sent for presentation in XXXI Congress of the International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (ISSCT) to be held from 20-23 February 2023 at the Hyderabad International Convention Centre, Hyderabad, India.
8) A research paper namely “Importance of Diversification & Integrations in Sugar Industry” by Narendra Mohan & Anushka Akash Kanodia has been sent for presentation in XXXI Congress of the International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (ISSCT) to be held from 20-23 February 2023 at the Hyderabad International Convention Centre, Hyderabad, India.
9) A research paper namely “A biorefinery method for production of chloromethyl-furfural (cmf) and Vanillin with simultaneous fraction of pentose syrup and lignin from sugar cane bagasse” by Narendra Mohan, Vishnu Prabhakar Srivastava, Chitra Yadav, Mamta Shukla has been sent for presentation in XXXI Congress of the International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (ISSCT) to be held from 20-23 February 2023 at the Hyderabad International Convention Centre, Hyderabad, India.
10) A research paper entitled “Novel Steps for Evaporator Configuration to Reduce Steam Demand by Use of Mechanical Vapour Recompressor” by Narendra Mohan, Mahendra Kumar Yadav & Amresh Pratap Singh was presented during the National Seminar "Modelling of Indian Sugar Industry in Diversification Era" at National Sugar Institute, Kanpur on 29th June 2022.
11) A research paper entitled “Carbonation & Phosphatation Process: A Practical Approach” by Narendra Mohan, Mahendra Yadav & Amresh Pratap Singh was presented during the National Seminar "Modelling of Indian Sugar Industry in Diversification Era" at National Sugar Institute, Kanpur on 29th June 2022.
12) A research paper entitled “Diversification in Indian Sugar Industry: A Sustainable SugarEthanol Model” by Narendra Mohan & Anoop Kumar Kanaujia was presented during the National Seminar "Modelling of Indian Sugar Industry in Diversification Era" at National Sugar Institute, Kanpur on 29th June 2022.
13) A research paper entitled “Synthesis of Silica Nanoparticles from Sugarcane Bagasse Fly” by Shalini Kumari, Vishnu Prabhakar Srivastava and Narendra Mohan has been sent for publication in 80th Annual Convention and International Sugar Expo 2022 of Sugar Technologists’ Association of India (STAI).
14) A research paper on “Production of Activated Bio-Char from sugarcane Bagasse and its application in Decolourising sugar melt” by Narendra Mohan, Sudhanshu Mohan and Shalini Kumari was published in International Journal of Science and Research in May 2022.
1) A research paper entitled “Bio-Ethanol-Saviour of Indian Sugar Industry” by Narendra Mohan has been sent for publication in ISSCT XXXI Congress, 2023.
2) A research paper entitled “Diversification & Integration-Business Model for Sugar Industry” by Narendra Mohan & Anushka Agarwal has been sent for publication in ISSCT XXXI Congress, 2023.
3) A research paper entitled “Nutritional and Healthier Dietary Fiber Enriched Cookies from Sugarcane Bagasse” by Narendra Mohan, Anushka Agarwal & Shurti Shukla has publiced in International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Topics, Volume3, Issue2, February 2022.
4) An abstract of a paper entitled “A Bio-refinery Method for production of Chloro Methyl Furfural (CMF) and Vallin with Simultaneous fractionation of pentose Syrup and Lignin from Sugarcane Bagasse” by Narendra Mohan, Dr. Vishnu Prabhakar Srivastava, Mrs. Chitra Yadav and Mamta Shukla has been sent for publication in ISSCT XXXI Congress, 2023.
5) A research paper entitled "A step ahead to reduce carbon footprints" by Smt. Dr. Seema Paroha, D. Swain and N. Mohan has been sent for publication in ISSCT Hyderabad -2023.
6) A research paper entitled “Measures to maximize juice extraction during milling” by Sanjay Chauhan has been published in Sharkara Volume 53, issue no. 1, January – March, 2022.
1) A research paper entitled “Natural Low Calorie Liquid Sugar from Sweet Sorghum – Commitment Toward Healthier Lifestyle” by Narendra Mohan, Anushka Agarwal & Shruti Shukla, has been published in the proceedings of 79th Annual Convention of STAI, 4th - 5th October, 2021, PP-387 to 394.
2) . A research paper entitled “Trial of condensate polishing unit for sugar factories” by Vanishtha Shukla, Sudhanshu Mohan, Sunil Bhate and Narendra Mohan has been published in the proceedings of 79th Annual Convention of STAI, 4th - 5th October, 2021, PP-415 to 425.
3) A review paper titled “Possibilities of producing Biogas/CBG from filter cake” by Narendra Mohan was sent for publication in International Journal for Scientific Research and Development (IJSRD), 30th October 2021.
4) A review paper titled “Indian sugar industry: a potential hub for bio-energy” by Narendra Mohan was sent for publication in Agricultural Science Congress 2021 held at BHU, Varanasi, October 19th, 2021.
5) A research paper entitled “Bio-ethanol from sugar industry – The tool for survival” by Narendra Mohan has been published in the proceedings of 66th Annual Convention & Sugar Expo 2021 of DSTA, October 30th, 2021.
6) A research paper entitled “A Different Approach towards Controlling pH at Juice Clarification” by Subhash Chandra, Virendra Kumar & Narendra Mohan” has been published in the proceedings of 79th Annual Convention of STAI, 4th - 5th October, 2021, PP-294 to 298.
7) A research paper entitled “Compressed Biogas from Filter Cake of Sugar Industry” by Narendra Mohan, Director, NSI Kanpur & Sanjay Awasthi, has been sent for publication in Cogen India Newsletter, Nov-Dec 2021.
8) A paper titled “Performance Comparison of Conventional and Variable Frequency Drives for Sugar cane Preparatory Devices” by Vinay Kumar & D. Swain, has been sent for publication in the proceedings of 7th IAPSIT International Sugar Conference and SUGARCON 2022, to be held at Lucknow.
9) A paper entitled “Vanillin synthesis from sugarcane bagasse lignin in a biorefinery concept” by Narendra Mohan, Dr. V.P. Srivastava, Chitra Yadav & Mamta Shukla, has been sent for presentation in upcoming 7th IAPSIT International Sugar Conference and SUGARCON-2022, to be held at Lucknow.
10) A research paper entitled “Sugar Production to Meet Changing Market Requirements” by Narendra Mohan has been sent for publication in Indian Sugar in December 2021.
1) A research paper entitled “Natural Low Calorie Liquid Sugar from Sweet Sorghum – Commitment Toward Healthier Lifestyle” by Narendra Mohan, Anushka Agarwal & Shruti Shukla, has been sent for publication in the 79th Annual Convention of STAI, 2021.
2) A research paper entitled “A Different Approach Towards Controlling pH at Juice Clarification” by Subhash Chandra, Virendra Kumar, and Narendra Mohan has been sent for publication in the 79th Annual Convention of STAI.
3) A research paper entitled “Bio-Ethanol from Sugar Industry- The Tool for Survival” by Narendra Mohan, has been sent for publication in the DSTA convention.
4) A research paper entitled “Vitamin A Fortification of Sugar-A Step Towards Better Tomorrow” by Narendra Mohan, Ashok Kumar Garg & Anushka Agarwal, has been presented in SASTA congress 2021.
5) A research paper entitled “Electric drives for cane preparation: A critical review of conventional system and the recent developments” by Vinay Kumar has been sent for publication in annual convention of SISTA.
6) A research paper entitled “Vitamin A fortification of sugar – A novel approach”, by Narendra Mohan & Anushka Agarwal has been published in proceedings of SISSTA’s 50th Golden Jubilee Annual Convention 2021.
7) A research paper entitled “Trial of condensate polishing unit for sugar factories” by Vanishtha Shukla, Sudhanshu Mohan, Sunil Bhate and Narendra Mohan has been sent for publication in the 79th Annual Convention of STAI, 2021.
8) A research paper “Standardization of Method for Determination of Preparatory Index” by Mohit Kumar, Subhas Chandra & Ashok Kumar Garg, has been published in “SHARKARA” (July – September, 2021) of National Sugar Institute, Kanpur.
1) A research paper on “A Case Study on Augmentation of Ethanol Based Hand Sanitizer Production Capacities in India” is published in Indian Sugar- April 2021, by Narendra Mohan and V.P. Srivastava.
2) A research paper on “Bio-Energy from Indian Sugar Industry: A Sustainable Renewable Energy Future” by Narendra Mohan & Anoop Kumar Kanaujia, published in International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (Volume 10, Issue 05 May 2021).
3) A research paper on “Utilization of Bagasse for Production of Various Valueadded Products” by Narendra Mohan & Anushka Agarwal, published in Sugar Cogeneration Handbook, Cogeneration Association of India (pp 58-65).
4) A research paper entitled “Oxygen Production in Sugar & Ethanol UnitsOpportunities & Challenges” by N. Mohan & D Swain has been published in Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) journal, volume 8, issue 6.
5) A research paper entitled “Optimization for Achieving Higher de-colorization Efficiency in Sugar Refineries” by N. Mohan & Mahendra Kumar Yadav has been published in Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) journal, volume 8, issue 6.
6) A research paper on “Sugar Industry: Importance of By-Product Valorization” by N. Mohan & Anushka Agarwal has sent for publication in Cooperative Sugar Journal.
7) A research paper entitled “A Study on the Potential Use of Solar Energy in Sugar Industry” by Narendra Mohan & Vinay Kumar is published in Sharkara (April-June 2021), National Sugar Institute, Kanpur.
8) A research paper titled “Bio-ethanol for economic and environmental sustainability” by Narendra Mohan has been published in Indian Sugar Journal, volume LXXII, pp 23-33.
1) A research paper on “Sugarcane Industry: by-products valorization for economic sustainability” by Narendra Mohan and Anushka Agarwal is published in International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT).
2) A paper entitled “Potential Areas of Energy Generation & Saving in Sugar Industry” by Prof. D. Swain was presented during the National Seminar on "Potential & Possibilities of Energy Saving in Sugar Industries" organized by NSI, SED & ASSCT at Moradabad on 22nd March 2021.
3) A paper entitled “Potential of Energy Production and Saving in Sugar Industry” by Prof. D. Swain, sent for publication in sugar journal “Sharkara” January – March 2021 addition.
4) Presentation on “Advancements in Process House for Energy Conservation – A Review” by Narendra Mohan & M.P. Singh was made during the National Seminar on "Potential & Possibilities of Energy Saving in Sugar Industries" organized by NSI, SED & ASSCT at Moradabad on 22nd March 2021.
5) A research paper titled “Micronutrient Fortification of Sugar” by Narendra Mohan, Ashok K. Garg & Anushka Agarwal has been accepted on 18th February for inclusion in the SASTA Congress 2021.
6) A Review paper titled “Sugar industry – Sustainable Source of Bio-Energy/Renewable Fuel” by Narendra Mohan, Sanjay Awasthi and Anushka Agarwal is published in International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), Vol. 10, Issue 01, January 2021.
7) A book chapter titled “Advances in sugarcane industry: By-product valorization” by Narendra Mohan & Anushka Agarwal has been published in book “Sustainable Food Waste Management”, Springer, Singapore, 5th January, 2021. ISSN: 978-981-15-8967-6.
8) A review paper titled “Diversification for economic sustainability of Indian sugar industry proposed for” by Narendra Mohan has been sent for publication in the proceedings of proposed seminar to be organized by National Federation of Co-operative Sugar Factories, New Delhi.
1) A research paper on “Sustainable & Healthier product profile from Indian Sugar Industry-From Commitment to Action” by Narendra Mohan and Anushka Agarwal sent for publication in proceeding of online conference – 2020 held on 26th October, 2020 on Modernization in Agriculture, Food System & Aqua word organized by Inovine Conferences, Mississippi, Untied States of America.
2) A paper on “Indian Sugar Scenario” by Dr. Ashutosh Bajpai was presented in Asian Sugar Conference 2020 organized by the Institute on 8th October, 2020.
3) A paper entitled “Middle East Sugar Scenario” by E. Berenjian and Narendra Mohan was presented in Asian Sugar Conference 2020 organized by the Institute on 8th October, 2020.
4) A paper entitled “Bio-ethanol from Sugar Industry- Issues & Remedies” was presented by Prof. Narendra Mohan during the Webinar organized by NSI-ASSCT on 7th November 2020.
5) Dr. (Mrs.) Seema Paroha made a presentation on “Alternate Bio-sources for E-20 Blending & their Economic Viability” during the Webinar “A Step Ahead Towards Future Fuel” organized by NSI-ISMA-NFCSF on 15th October 2020.
6) A research paper entitled “Removal of Suspended Impurities From Mixed Juice by Centrifuge Technique” by Mohit Kumar, Subhash Chandra, A.K. Garg & Narendra Mohan sent for publication in the proceedings of 50th Golden Jubilee Annual Convention of SISSTA
7) A research paper entitled “Vitman – A, Fortification of Sugar – A Novel Approach” by Narendra Mohan & Anushka Agarwal sent for publication in the proceedings of 50th Golden Jubilee Annual Convention of SISSTA.
8) A research paper entitled “Bio-energy for Economic & Environmental Sustainability of Sugar Industry” sent for presentation in International Conference on Recycling and Waste Management from 29-31 March 2021.
1) A research paper on “Rationalization of Potassium Salt of Active Phosphorus (PSAP) dose for maximum economic yield, quality of sugarcane and soil sustainability" by Narendra Mohan, Dr. Ashok Kumar, Dr. Lokesh Babar & Tej Pal Verma published in Green Farming Journal (International Journal of Applied Agricultural & Horticultural Sciences).
2) A research paper on “Environmental Sustainability for Indian Sugar Industry” by Narendra Mohan & Abhijeet Patil, published in International Journal for Scientific Research & Development in June, 2020, Vol. -8, No. -4.
3) A research paper on “Water and Effluent Management in Indian Sugar Factories a Novel Approach” by Narendra Mohan sent for publication in International Sugar Journal.
4) A research paper on “Trials of a New Stirrerless Juice Sulphiter at Experimental Sugar Factory” by S.K. Trivedi published in International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, Vol -5, Issue -7, in July, 2020
5) A research paper on “Automation in Indian Sugar Industry and Further Requirements: An Overview” by Virendra Kumar and Brajesh Singh sent for publication in Indian Sugar.
6) A research paper on "Suitability of Some Low Cost Stainless Steels as Fabrication Material in Cane Sugar Industry” by Narendra Mohan & Ashutosh Bajpai in International Journal of Science & Research Vol. – Issue 8, August, 2020.
7) A research paper on “Pre Clarification of Cane juice” by Narendra Mohan, A. K. Garg, Subhash Chandra & Mohit Kumar has been accepted in International Journal for Scientific Research & Development for publication.
8) A research paper on “An Overview of BHeavy Molasses Diversion for Ethanol Production” by Mohit Kumar, Vivek Pratap Singh & Narendra Mohan published in Indian Sugar in July, 2020.
9) A research paper on “Bio Ethanol from Sugar Industry – How to Push?” by Narendra Mohan, Director, National Sugar Institute, Kanpur, sent for publication in proceedings of STAI annual convention 2020.
10) A research paper titled “Integrated Nutrition Management for Maximum Economic Cane Yield and Sustainable Soil Health” by Dr. Ashok Kumar & Dr. Lokesh Babar, sent for publication in proceedings of STAI Annual Convention 2020.
11) A research paper on “Natural Value added Product mix from Indian Sugar Industry – A Step towards Changing Tomorrow” by Narendra Mohan & Anushka Agarwal, sent for publication in proceedings of STAI Annual Convention 2020.
12) A research paper on “Valorization of Sugarcane Bagasse Cellulose to Methyl Levulinate with in a Bio-refinery Approach by Direct Alcoholics” by Narendra Mohan, V.P. Singh, Chitra Yadav & Tushar Mishra, sent for publication in proceedings of STAI Annual Convention 2020.
1) A research paper on “Bio-Ethanol from Sugar Industry-Our Options” Narendra Mohan & D. Swain published in ‘Sharkara’ January – March, 2020.
2) A research paper on “Micronutrient Fortification of Sugar” by Narendra Mohan, Ashok Kumar Garg & Anushka Agarwal accepted for publication in proceeding of South African Sugar Technologist Association, 2020.
3) A review on “Bioenergy from Sugar Industry” by Narendra Mohan, D. Swain & Anoop Kumar Kanaujia published in International Journal for Scientific Research and Development, Vol. – VIII, Issue 2, 2020.
4) A research paper on “Techno-economic Process for Producing Superior Quality White & Other Specialty Sugars” by Narendra Mohan & Prem Shanker Katiyar accepted for publication in forthcoming issue of Sharkara.
5) A research paper on “Investigations on Microbial-flora Variation in Water Generated at Various Sugar Production Stages by Seema Paroha and Shikha Singh published in International Journal of Microbiology and Applied Sciences.
6) A research paper on “Diversity of Microflora in Different Combinations of Pressmud for Biogas Production” by Seema Paroha, Ankita Kachhwaha and Shikha Singh published in International Journal of Microbiology Research.
7) A research paper on “Sugar Beet-The Potential Feed stocks for Alcohol Production” by Seema Paroha, Shikha Singh and Alka Gupta published in International Journal of Agriculture Sciences.
8) A concept paper on “Advances in Sugarcane Industry: By-product Valorization” by Narendra Mohan & Anushka Agarwal sent for publication as chapter for the book titled ‘Sustainable Food Waste Management: Concepts & Innovation’ to be published by springer nature, Singapore.
9) A concept paper on “Sugar & Sweeteners – Processing and Quality Considerations Amidst Pandemic” was presented by Director, NSI during the online Faculty Development Programme organized by SRM Group of Management on 19th June 2020.
10) Book chapter on "Quality of Indian Sugars: Opportunities & Challenges" by Anushka Agarwal & Narendra Mohan published as chapter in book entitled "Emerging Technologies in Food Science - Focus on the Developing World'' by Springer, Singapore, June 2020.
1) A research paper on “Direct Use of Sugarcane Bagasse Derived Hemicellulose Hydrolysate for the Synthesis of C-glycosyl Derivatives by the Lubineau Reaction” by V.P. Srivastava has presented at the 26th ISCB International Conference (ISCBC-2020) @ Nirma University, Ahmedabad on 24th January, 2020.
2) A research paper on “Bio-refinery Process for Valorization of Sugarcane Biomass: from Constituents Sugars and Lignols to Value Added Products” by V.P. Srivastava, Tushar Mihsra & N. Mohan published in the proceeding of 2nd International Conference and Exhibition on “Sustainability – Innovation and Diversification in Sugar and Allied Industry” held on 31st January to 2nd February, 2020 at Vasantdada Sugar Institute, Pune, Maharashtra.
3) A research paper on “New Ventures of Value-Addition in Jaggery Processing for a Dynamic Sugar Industry” by Narendra Mohan & Anushak Agarwal published in International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) volume-9, January, 2020.
4) A research paper on “Innovative Technique for Effluent Treatment in Sugar Industry” by Vanistha Shukla, Amresh Pratap Singh & Narendra Mohan published in the proceedings of National Seminar on Waste Management: Role of Chemistry on 22nd January, 2020 at DAV College, Kanpur.
5) A research paper on “Recent Trends & Market Status for Sugar Alcohols (Polyols) – A Revolution in Sweetener Sector” by Narendra Mohan published in International Journal of Science Research January, 2020
6) A research paper on “Quality Control in Sugar Industry – A Need of Hour” by Narendra Mohan & Anushka Agarwal was presented in All India Seminar on “Advances in Sugar Grading and Food Safety Standards to Produce Quality Sugar” held on 22nd February, 2020 at Belgavi, Karnataka.
7) A research paper on “Bioenergy from Filter cake in Indian Sugar Industry” by Narendra Mohan & Sanjay Awasthi published in International Journal for Scientific Research and Development, Vol. – VII, issue 12, February, 2020.
1) A research paper entitled “Innovative Futuristic Approach for Sustainable Sugar Industry” by Narendra Mohan & Anushka Agarwal published in International Journal of Innovative Science & Research Technology. Volume 4, Issue 11, November – 2019.
2) A research paper entitled “Sustainability of Sugar Industry in Northern Region – Sugar Production & Beyond” by Narendra Mohan, Director published in National workshop on “Sugarcane Challenges and Future Strategies for Doubling Farmers Income” at IISR, Lucknow.
3) A paper abstract “Direct Use of Sugarcane Bagasse Derived Hemicellulose Hydrolysis Hydrolysate for the Synthesis of C-glycosyl Derivative by the Lubineau Reaction” by Dr. V.P. Srivastava, Tushar Mishra & Narendra Mohan sent for 26th ISCB International Conference (ISCBC – 2020)to be held from 22nd to 24th January, 2020 at Nirma University, Ahmadabad, Gujarat.
4) A research paper entitled “Surfactants in Modern Applications” by Narendra Mohan published in IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol. 7, Issue 09, Nov. 2019 | ISSN (online): 2321-0613
5) “A Study on Probable Configurations of Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Converters for Slip Power Recovery Application in Sugar Industry” by Vinay Kumar & Sanjiv Kumar, sent for publication in ICE3 2020 International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, to be held on 14-15th February, 2020 at MMMUT Gorakhpur, U.P.
6) “Reduction, Reuse and Recycling of Fresh Water Usage and Mitigation of Effluent Generation in Sugar Industry” by Vinay Kumar & D. Swain, published in IC WEB BIMSTEC – 2019, held on 14th December, 2019 at Agartala, Tripura.
7) “Bio-refinery Process for Valorization of Sugarcane Biomass: from Constituents Sugars and Lignols to Value Added Products” by V.P. Srivastava, Tushar Mihsra & N. Mohan accepted for presentation at the 2nd International Conference and Exhibition on “Sustainability – Innovation and Diversification in Sugar and Allied Industry” to be held on 31st January to 2nd February, 2020 at Vasantdada Sugar Institute, Pune, Maharashtra.
8) “Sugar Beet – A Potential Feed Stock for Ethanol Production” by Prof. Narendra Mohan published in Sharkara, October – December, 2019.
1) “Bio-Energy from Filter Cake” by Sanjay Awasthi, Seema Paroha & Narendra Mohan published in 77th Annual Convention and International Sugar Expo of Sugar Technologists’ Association of India held on 17-19th July 2019 at Kolkata.
2) “Effect of Potassium Application on Nutrient Uptake, Yield and Quality of Sugarcane & Sustainable Soil Health” by Ashok Kumar, Lokesh Babar, Narendra Mohan & Surinder Kumar Bansal published in Indian Journal of Fertilizers in July, 2019.
3) “Utilization of Sugarcane Bagasse as Dietary Fibre” by Neelam Chaturvedi, V. P. Srivastava, Seema Paroha & Narendra published in 77th Annual Convention and International Sugar Expo of Sugar Technologists’ Association of India held on 17-19th July 2019 at Kolkata.
4) “Moisture Reduction in Bagasse with Minimum Investment” by Sanjay Chauhan & Narendra Mohan published in 7th Bharatiya Sugar Symposium 2019”, organized in July 2019 at Kolhapur, Maharashtra.
5) “Valorization of Sugarcane Bagasse as a Potential Feedstock to Access Cosmetic Ingredients” by Narendra Mohan, V.P. Srivastva & Tushar Mishra published in “77th Annual Convention and International Sugar Expo of Sugar Technologists’ Association of India” held on 17-19th July 2019 at Kolkata.
6) “A 3 – Level Invertor based Induction Motor Drive for Cane Preparation in Sugar Industry” by Vinay Kumar & Sanjiv Kumar sent for publication in IEEE sponsored 2nd International and Intelligent Control seminar to be held on 18-19 October, 2019 at Greater Noida.
7) “Measures for Indian Sugar Quality Improvement” by Narendra Mohan, A.K. Garg & Mohit Kumar, was presented in the National Seminar on "Indian Sugars- Standardization & Quality Considerations" jointly organized by NSI-BIS-Maarc Labs. on 26th September, 2019 at NSI, Kanpur.
8) “Sugar Quality: Requirements of Institutional and Retail Customers” by V.P. Singh, was presented in the National Seminar on "Indian Sugars- Standardization & Quality Considerations" jointly organized by NSI-BISMaarc Labs. on 26th September, 2019 at NSI, Kanpur.
9) “Quality Management – Important aspect for Indian Sugar Industry” by Narendra Mohan, M.K. Yadav & Km. Anushka Agrawal, was presented in the National Seminar on "Indian Sugars- Standardization & Quality Considerations" jointly organized by NSI-BIS Maarc Labs. on 26th September, 2019 at NSI, Kanpur.
10) “Review of Milling Efficiency” by D. Swain was presented in “77th Annual Convention and International Sugar Expo of Sugar Technologists’ Association of India” held on 17-19th July 2019 at Kolkata.
1) “Bioenergy from Filter Cake” by Narendra Mohan presented during National Seminar jointly organized by SNSI & NSI on 12th April, 2019 at Belagavi, Karnataka.
2) “Biomass Energy from Sugar Industry” by Narendra Mohan & A.K. Kanaujia presented during National Seminar jointly organized by SNSI & NSI on 12th April, 2019 at Belagavi, Karnataka.
3) “A Novel Multi-level SVPMW Scheme for High Power Induction Motor Drive Applications” by Anoop Kumar Kanaujia, Sanjiv Kumar & D. Swain published in International Conference on Academic Science and Engineering (ICASAE – 2019) held on 7-8th June, 2019 at Lucknow.
4) “Effect of Potassium Application on Nutrient Uptake, Yield and Quality of Sugarcane & Sustainable Soil Health” by Ashok Kumar, Lokesh Babar, Narendra Mohan & Surinder Kumar Bansal sent for publication in Indian Journal of Fertilizers to be published in July, 2019.
5) “Mechanical Clarification of Cane Juice with the Help of High Speed Centrifuge Machine” by Mohit Kumar, Subhash Chandra, A.K. Garg & Narendra Mohan published in 4th Annual Convention of North Indian Sugarcane & Sugar Technologists’ Association (NISSTA) held on 29-30th May, 2019 at NSI, Kanpur
6) “Observation on Working of Super Short Retention Time Clarifier” by M. Mandal & A.K. Shukla published in 4th Annual Convention of North Indian Sugarcane & Sugar Technologists’ Association (NISSTA) held on 29-30th May, 2019 at NSI, Kanpur.
7) “Green Power, An Unexploited Potential in Indian Sugar Industry – A Review” by Narendra Mohan & Anoop Kumar Kanaujia published in 4th Annual Convention of North Indian Sugarcane & Sugar Technologists’ Association (NISSTA) held on 29-30th May, 2019 at NSI, Kanpur.
8) “A Novel Effluent Treatment Process for Plantation White Sugar Factories” by Amresh Pratap Singh, Mahendra Yadav& Narendra Mohan published in 4th Annual Convention of North Indian Sugarcane & Sugar Technologists’ Association (NISSTA) held on 29-30th May, 2019 at NSI, Kanpur.
9) “Real Time Monitoring for Efficient Water management” by Brajesh Singh, Mahendra Pratap Singh & Virendra Kumar published in 4th Annual Convention of North Indian Sugarcane & Sugar Technologists’ Association (NISSTA) held on 29-30th May, 2019 at NSI, Kanpur.
10) “Integrated Nutrient Management for Maximum Economic Yield of Sugar Beet and Sustainable Soil Health” by Ashok Kumar, Lokesh Babar & Tej Pal Verma published in 4th Annual Convention of North Indian Sugarcane & Sugar Technologists’ Association (NISSTA) held on 29-30th May, 2019 at NSI, Kanpur.
11) “Bio-Energy from Filter Cake” by Sanjay Awasthi, Seema Paroha & Narendra Mohan accepted for publication in 77th Annual Convention and International Sugar Expo of Sugar Technologists’ Association of India to be held on 17-19th July 2019 at Kolkata.
12) “Utilization of Sugarcane Bagasse as Dietary Fibre” by Neelam Chaturvedi, V. P. Srivastava, Seema Paroha & Narendra Mohan accepted for publication in 77thAnnual Convention and International Sugar Expo of Sugar Technologists’ Association of India to be held on 17-19th July 2019 at Kolkata.
13) “Moisture Reduction in Bagasse with Minimum Investment” by Sanjay Chauhan & Narendra Mohan sent for publication in the proceedings of the 7th symposium of Bharatiya Sugar 2019 at Kolhapur
14) “Cane Juice Centrifugation for Superior Quality Sugar” by Mohit Kumar, Subhash Chandra, A.K.Garg& Narendra Mohan sent for publication in the proceedings of the 7th symposium of Bharatiya Sugar2019 to be held at Kolhapur.
1) “Sustainability of Sugar Industry – Sugar Production and Beyond by Narendra Mohan was presented in Sugarcon-2019 held at IISR, Lucknow from 16-19th February, 2019.
2) “Sugarcane as Energy cane, an Enormous Source of Bioenergy” by Narendra Mohan & D. Swain have been accepted for presentation in International Conference on Biofuels and Bioenergy to be held at San Francisco, CA, USA from 29th April to 01st May, 2019.
3) “Effect of Potassium Application on Nutrient Uptake, Yield and Quality of Sugarcane & Sustainable Soil Health” by Narendra Mohan, Ashok Kumar & Lokesh Babar published in International Journal of Green Farming volume - 10 no.1 page - 105- 107.
4) “Biomass Energy for Economic & Environmental Sustainability in India” by Narendra Mohan & Anoop Kumar Kanaujia published in Sugar Technology-An International Journal of Sugar Crops and related industries
5) “Experiences with B- Heavy Molasses Diversion for Ethanol Production” by Narendra Mohan, D. Swain & Dr. Seema Paroha presented during Technical Seminar organized by All India Distiller’s Association on 7 - 8th February, 2019 at New Delhi.
6) “Sugar Production to Meet Consumer Preferences” by Narendra Mohan presented during “Sugarcon-2019” on 16-19th February, 2019 at IISR, Lucknow, U.P.
7) “Techno Economic Viability of Ethanol Production from B- Heavy Route” by Narendra Mohan, D. Swain & Dr. Seema Paroha presented during national seminar jointly organized by NSI- NFSC on “Ethanol- Policy, Productivity & Profitability on 28th Feb, 2019 at New Delhi.
8) “Mill Efficiency Improvement” by D. Swain presented during seminar organized by J. P. Mukherji & Associates Pvt. Ltd., Pune jointly with Lal Bahadur Shastri Ganna Kisan Sansthan on 30th March, 2019 at Lucknow, U.P.
9) “Efficient Milling” by D. Swain presented during seminar organized by J. P. Mukherji & Associates Pvt. Ltd., Pune on 28th March, 2019 at Meerut, U.P.
1) “Economy of Ethanol Production” by N.Mohan and D. Swain presented in National Seminar on "Techno-economic Viability of Sugarcane Juice and B-Heavy Molasses as Alternate Feed Stock for Ethanol Production" organized on 16th October 2018 at NSI, Kanpur.
2) “Final Molasses Vs B-Heavy and juice” presented by Shri D. Swain in “One day meet on Ethanol for Promotion of Distillery/Ethanol Projects” jointly organized with Co-generation Association of India on 31st October 2018 at Kanpur.
3) “Quality Standards & Packaging Requirements for Sugar in Indian and Global Scenario” by Anushka Agarwal & Narendra Mohan sent for publication in Sugar Technology-An International Journal of Sugar Crops and related industries.
4) “Effect of Potassium Application on Nutrient Uptake, Yield and Quality of Sugarcane & Sustainable Soil Health” by Narendra Mohan, Ashok Kumar & Lokesh Babar sent for publication in International Journal of Green Farming.
5) “Integrated Nutrient Management for Maximum Economic Yield of Sugar Beet and Sustainable Soil Health” by Ashok Kumar & Lokesh Babar sent for publication in Agrica – An International Journal of Plant Science Researches.
6) “A Reduced Switch Count Hybrid Fifteen-Level Inverter for an Open-End Winding Induction Motor (OEWIM) Drive” by Anoop Kumar Kanaujia & Sanjiv Kumar presented during 8th IEEE International Conference on power Electronics (IICPE2018) held on December 13-15th 2018 at Jaipur.
7) “Biomass Energy for Economic & Environmental Sustainability in India” by Narendra Mohan & Anoop Kumar Kanaujia sent for publication in Sugar Technology-An International Journal of Sugar Crops and related industries.
8) “Water and Effluent Management in Indian Sugar Factories – A Novel Approach” by Narendra Mohan, Mahendra Kumar Yadav & Amresh Pratap Singh sent for publication in ISSCT Congress 2019.
9) “An Efficient Static Rotor-Resistance Control for the Motors of Preparatory Devices of a Sugar Factory” by Vinay Kumar presented in 33rd Indian Engineering Congress held on 22nd December, 2018 at Udaipur.
10) “Sugar Production to Meet Health Concerns and Consumer Preferences” by Anushka Agarwal & Narendra Mohan sent for publication in American Journal of Food, Nutrition and Health.
11) "Bio-energy & Efficiency- Key Factors for the Sustainability of Indian Sugar Industry" by Narendra Mohan & D. Swain sent for publication in ISSCT Congress 2019.
12) "Ethanol from B-Heavy Molasses for Sustainability of Indian Sugar Industry" by Narendra Mohan, D. Swain & Seema Paroha sent for publication in ISSCT Congress 2019.
13) “Bio-refinery approach for valorization of sugarcane biomass based xylans to alkyl glycosides” by Narendra Mohan, Dr. V.P.Srivastava & Anushka Agarwal sent for publication in ISSCT Congress 2019.
1) “Development of an Effluent Treatment Process for Plantation White Sugar Factories to meet CPCB Requirements” by Neelam Dixit, Amresh Pratap & Narendra Mohan published in the proceedings of 6th Annual Symposium of Bharatiya Sugar, held on 14-15th July 2018 at Kolhapur.
2) “Valorization of Sugarcane Trash as a Potential Raw Material in Formulation of Eco-Friendly Liquid Detergent” by Narendra Mohan, Vishnu P. Srivatsava and Anushka Agarwal published in the proceedings of 64th Annual Convention of The Deccan Sugar Technologists Association held on 28-29th July 2018 at Gandhinagar, Gujarat.
3) “Ethanol Production: Opportunities & Challenges” by Narendra Mohan published in the proceedings of 6th Annual Symposium of Bharatiya Sugar, held on 14-15th July 2018 at Kolhapur.
4) “Sugar Dust Explosion – A Case Study, Prevention & Protection” by Sanjay Chauhan & Jitendra Singh published in Sharkara in April-June 2018.
5) “Isolation of Yeast Strain from Spoilt Sugarcane Juice” by Vinitanjali Banerjee, Santosh Kumar & Narnedra Mohan published in proceeding of 76thAnnual Convention of Sugar Technologist’s Association of India held on 20th -22ndAugust 2018 at Indore.
6) “Multi-Level Inverter based Topologies for Sugar Mill Drive Applications” by Anoop Kumar Kanaujia, Sanjiv Kumar & D. Swain published in proceeding of 76th Annual Convention of Sugar Technologist’s Association of India held on 20th -22nd August 2018 at Indore.
7) “A Study on Working of Vertical Continuous Pan for Raw Massecuite Boiling” by Narendra Mohan, Ashutosh Bajpai and Subhash Chandra published in proceeding of 76thAnnual Convention of Sugar Technologist’s Association of India held on 20th -22ndAugust 2018 at Indore.
8) “Clarification of Intermediate Process Liquors for Improvement in Sugar Quality” by Narendra Mohan, Dr. Ashutosh Bajapi & Mahendra Pratap Singh published in proceeding of 76th Annual Convention of Sugar Technologist’s Association of India held on 20th -22ndAugust 2018 at Indore.
9) “Carbonation of Phosphotation Refinery: A Practical Approach” by Narendra Mohan, Mahendra Yadav & V.P. Singh published in the proceedings of one-day seminar organised by NSI, Kanpur & Nirani Sugar Ltd on 15th September 2018 at Mudhol, Karnataka.
10) “Treatment of Sugar Factory Effluent by A Novel Process” by Amresh P. Singh, Mahendra Kumar Yadav & Narendra Mohan published in proceedings of National Seminar held at Belagavi, Karnataka.
11) “Effluent Generation & Treatment in Indian Sugar Industry” by Mahendra K Yadav, J.P. Srivastava & Narendra Mohan published in proceedings of National Seminar held at Belagavi, Karnataka.
1) “Effluent Generation & Treatment in Indian Sugar Industry-An Overview” by Mahendra Yadav, J.P. Srivastava & Narendra Mohan, presented during national seminar organized by National Sugar Institute & S. Nijalingappa Sugar Institute on 27th April, 2018 at Belagavi, Karnataka.
2) “Treatment of Sugar Factory Effluent by Electro Coagulation Process to Meet CPCB requirements” by Vimlesh Mishra, Amresh Pratap, Mahendra Yadav& Narendra Mohan, presented during National Seminar organized by National Sugar Institute &S. Nijalingappa Sugar Institute on 27th April, 2018 at Belagavi, Karnataka.
3) “Ethanol Production Opportunities & Challenges” by Narendra Mohan, presented during All India Seminar organized by All India Distillers Association (AIDA) at New Delhi on 26-27th April 2018.
4) “Sustainability of Indian Sugar Industry –Cost Effective Sugar Production & Beyond” by Narendra Mohan, during the Annual Business Meet organized by M/s EID Parry at Bangalore, on 20th April 2018
5) “Isolation of Yeast Strain from Spoilt Sugarcane Juice” by Vinitanjali Banerjee, Santosh Kumar & Narnedra Mohan sent for publication in the proceedings of 76th Annual Convention of The Sugar Technologist’s Association of India to be held from 20th -22nd August 2018 at Indore.
6) “Development of an Effluent Treatment Process for Plantation White Sugar Factories to meet CPCB Requirements” by Neelam Dixit, Amresh Pratap & Narendra Mohan sent for publication in the proceedings of 6th Annual Symposium of Bhartiya Sugar, to be held at Kolhapur on 14-15th July 2018.
7) “Multi-Level Inverter based Topologies for Sugar Mill Drive Applications” by Anoop Kumar Kanaujia, Sanjiv Kumar & D. Swain sent for publication in the proceedings of 76th Annual Convention of The Sugar Technologist’s Association of India to be held from 20th -22nd August 2018 at Indore
8) “Sugarcane Price Determination in India Need for a Hybrid Formula” by Narendra Mohan, D.Swain & Priyanka Singh sent for publication in the proceedings of 76th Annual Convention of The Sugar Technologist’s Association of India to be held from 20th -22nd August 2018 at Indore.
9) “A Study on Working of Vertical Continuous Pan for Raw Massecuite Boiling” by Narendra Mohan, Ashutosh Bajpai and Subhash Chandra sent for publication in 76th Annual Convention of The Sugar Technologist’s Association of India to be held from 20th -22nd August 2018 at Indore.
10) “Valorization of Sugarcane trash as a Potential Raw Material in Formulation of Eco Friendly Liquid Detergent” by Narendra Mohan, Vishnu P. Srivastava and Anushka Agarwal sent of publication in the proceedings of 64th Annual Convention of The Deccan Sugar Technologists Association to be held on 28-29th July 2018 at Gandhinagar, Gujarat.
11) “Treatment of Sugar Factory Effluent by a Novel Process” by Amresh P. Singh, Mahendra kr. Yadav and Narendra Mohansent for publication in 48th Annual Convention of SISSTA to be held in Aug 2018.
12) “Ethanol Production: Opportunities & Challenges” by Narendra Mohan sent for publication in the proceedings of 6th Annual Symposium of Bhartiya Sugar, to be held at Kolhapur on 14-15th July 2018.
1) “Pot-efficient synthesis of renewable surfactant using sugarcane derived lignocellulosic biomass” by Narendra Mohan, Vishnu Prabhakar Srivastava and Anushka Agarwal presented as poster in 22nd Chemical Research Society of India (CRSI) National Symposium in Chemistry, held on February 2-4, 2018 at School of Studies in Chemistry, Pt. Ravi Shankar Shukla University Raipur, Chhattisgarh.
2) “Alternative Sweeteners as sugar substitute: incentive, influence & innovation” by Narendra Mohan, Vishnu Prabhakar Srivastava and Anushka Agarwal presented as a Poster in “ National Food Conference on Agriculture and Technology Innovations for Nutritional Security-NFC 2018” held from 9-10th February, 2018 at Centre of Food Technology, University of Allahabad, U.P.
3) “New Technique for Effluent Treatment in Sulphitation Sugar Factories” by Narendra Mohan & A. Bajpai sent for publication in Annual Conference of South African Sugar Technologist Association, Durban, South Africa to be held in August, 2018.
4) "Indian Molasses based Distillery: Ethanol & Power Export Potential" by J.P. Srivastava, A.K. Kanaujia & S. Chauhan presented during the conference jointly organized by NSI and Co-gen India at Lucknow On 15th March 2018.
1) “Diversification for Sustainability of the Sugar Industry” by Narendra Mohan presented during the 23rd Asia International Conference held on 2nd November, 2017 at Jakarta, Indonesia
2) “Sugarcane bagasse as surrogate for production of surfactants (Bio-Detergent)” by Narendra Mohan, V.P. Srivastava & Anuskha Agarwal sent for publication in 6th IAPSIT International Sugar Conference to be held in March, 2018 at Thailand.
3) “Implementation of Quality based Sugarcane Payment Scheme in India-A need of hour” by Narendra Mohan & Priyanka Singh sent for publication in 6th IAPSIT International Sugar Conference to be held in March, 2018 at Thailand.
4) “Green Energy for the Indian sugar Industry: A Sustainable Energy Future” by Narendra Mohan, D. Swain & A.K. Kanaujia sent for publication in 6th IAPSIT International Sugar Conference to be held in March, 2018 at Thailand.
1) "Sugar Warehouse Automation: Minimize Loss & Maximize Output” by Shri Brajesh Singh, published in 75th STAI Annual Convention proceeding held on 03-05th August 2017 at Kochi, Kerala
2) “Raw-Refined Sugar Production Opportunities & Challenges” by Anushka Agarwal & Narendra Mohan presented during all India seminar jointly organized by NSI and S. Nijalingappa Sugar Institute on 28th August 2017 at Belagavi, Karnataka.
3) “Carbonation & Phosphatation Refinery: A Practical Approach” by Narendra Mohan and Mahendra Yadav presented during all India seminar jointly organized by NSI and S. Nijalingappa Sugar Institute on 28th August 2017 at Belagavi, Karnataka
4) “Organic Sugar: A Real opportunity” by Ashutosh Bajpai and Vivek Pratap Singh presented during all India seminar jointly organized by NSI and S. Nijalingappa Sugar Institute on 28th August 2017 at Belagavi, Karnataka
5) “Quality of Indian Sugars: Opportunities & Challenges” by Narendra Mohan & Anushka Agarwal presented during the technical session in one day National conference AMIFOST-2017 organized by Amity University on 26th September,2017 at Noida U.P.
6) “Indian sugar industry: A way forward” by Narendra Mohan, V P Srivastava, Shikha Singh & Anushka Agarwal presented during Sugar Tech- 2017 organized jointly by NSI-CII on 20th September, 2017 at Lucknow.
1) "Sugar Warehouse Automation: Minimize Loss & Maximize Output” by Shri Brajesh Singh, accepted for the presentation during 75th STAI Annual Convention of STAI to be held on 03-05th August 2017, at Kochi, Kerla.
2) “A Process for Purification of Sugar Factory Condensates and Effluent using Electro-Coagulation Technique” by Dr.(Mrs.) Seema Paroha, accepted for presentation International Congress on Sugar & Sugarcane Derivatives organized from 26 to 30th June, 2017 at La Habana, Cuba.
3) “Waste to Wealth” by Narendra Mohan & D. Swain accepted for publication in STAI to be held on 3-5th August 2017, at Kochi, Kerla
4) “Condition based Maintenance – A Methodological Approach” by Sanjay Chauhan & D. Swain sent for publication in Indian Sugar.
5) “Icing Sugar: Forays the Indian Sugar Market” by Jahar Singh & Vivek Pratap Singh sent for publication in Cooperative Sugar.
6) “Comprehensive study of Suchem DT14-Bio-additive for vapor condensate treatment- Post MEE for distillery” by Santosh Kumar, Seema Paroha & Srikanteshwara accepted for publication in 75th Annual Convention of STAI to be held on 3-5 August 2017, at Kochi, Kerla.
7) “A Study on Comparative Advantages of Bagasse Moisture Reduction Vs. Reduction of Steam Consumption % Cane” by Narendra Mohan, D. Swain & Anoop Kumar Kanaujia accepted for publication in 75th Annual Convention of STAI to be held on 3-5th August 2017, at Kochi, Kerla
8) “Latest Trends in Evaporator cleaning” by Narendra Mohan & Ashutosh Bajapi accepted for publication in 75th Annual Convention of STAI to be held on 3-5th August 2017, at kochi, Kerla.
9) “Use of Sugarcane Bagasse as Potential Renewable Feedstock for Production of BioDetergent” by Narendra Mohan, Vishnu P. Srivastava & Anushka Agarwal accepted for publication in 75th Annual Convention of STAI to be held on 3-5th August 2017, at kochi, Kerla.
10) “Sugar Quality Determination Keeping in view uses of Sugar” by Narendra Mohan accepted for publication in 63rd Annual Convention of DSTA to be held on 14-15th July at Belgavi, Karnataka.
11) “Sugarcane Productivity Enhancment-A Holistic Approach” by Narendra Mohan & Priyanka Singh sent for presentation during the forthcoming International Congress on Sugar & Sugarcane Derivatives being organized from 26 to 30th June, 2017 at La Habana, Cuba.
12) “Sugarcane Juice Utilization: Expeditious Green Synthesis of Graphene” by Narendra Mohan & Vishnu Prabhakar sent for presentation during the forthcoming International Congress on Sugar & Sugarcane Derivatives being organized from 26 to 30th June, 2017 at La Habana, Cuba.
13) “Biomass Energy: A step towards Economic & Environmental Sustainability in India” by Narendra Mohan, & Anoop Kumar Kanaujia accepted presentation during the forthcoming International Congress on Sugar & Sugarcane Derivatives being organized from 26 to 30th June, 2017 at La Habana, Cuba.
14) “Comparative Evaluation of Carbonation & Phosphatation Process Keeping In View Industrial Uses of Sugar” by Narendra Mohan presented during the National seminar organized by STAI, New Delhi on 19th May, 2017 at Gangtok, Sikkim.
15) “Effect of the Potassium, Zine Nutrition on Agronomic and Biochemical Traits of Sweet Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) Genotype on Ethanol Production” by Narendra Mohan, Ashok Kumar and Lokesh Babar presented during the annual convention of NISSTA held on 12-13th May 2017, at Lucknow.
16) “Comparative study of Natural & Chemical flocculants on cane juice clarification” by Narendra Mohan, Dr. (Mrs.) Chitra Yadav & Ashish Kumar Shukla presented during the annual convention of NISSTA held on 12-13 May 2017, at Lucknow.
17) “Cane Sugar Industry: Latest Trends for a Greener Tomorrow” by Narendra Mohan & Ashutosh Bajpai published in the proceedings of annual convention of NISSTA held on 12-13th May 2017, at Lucknow.
18) “Utilization of Existing Electrical Installation to Reduce Breakdown Time and to save Initial Cost in New Installations” by Narendra Mohan & Vinay Kumar and “Cane Sugar Industry- Latest Trends for Sustainability” by Narendra Mohan & A. Bajpai presented during the National Seminar jointly organized by NSI-JPMA on “Sustainability of Sugar Industry-Management of Resources" on 20th April, 2017 at Pune.
19) “Moisture Reduction in Bagasse Technological Options” by Narendra Mohan & D. Swain presented during National Workshop on "Reduction in Bagasse MoistureTechnological Options” organized by National Sugar Institute on 17th April, 2017 at NSI Kanpur.
20) “Site specific nutrient management for maximization of crop yield and sustaining soil health” by Narendra Mohan & Ashok Kumar presented during all India seminar on “Integrated approach for enhancing sugarcane & farm productivity by adopting improved cultivation and analytical practices", jointly organized by NSI-CSA Agri. & Technical University on 6-7th April, 2017 at NSI, Kanpur.
1) “Bagasse Drying, an Efficient Way of Saving Fuel in Sugar Industry” by D. Swain & Anoop K. Kanaujia presented during all India Seminar organized by The Sugar Technologist Association of India on 3rd February 2017 at Meerut, U.P.
2) “Utilization of Lignocellulogic Waste Biomass of Sugar Industry as a Precursor to Access a Carbocatalyst” by Shri Narendra Mohan, Shri Vishnu Prabhakar, poster presented during INDO-GERMAN WORKSHOP on “Recent Applications of Carbohydrates in Chemistry and Biology” (RACCB-2017) organized IIT BHU, Varanasi, U.P. India on 14th - 16th February, 2017.
3) “Utilization of Solar Energy: An Opportunity for Indian Sugar Industry” by D. Swain, Anoop K. Kanaujia and Vinay Kumar presented during all India seminar on “Energy and Water Conservation” organized jointly by SISSTA and SNSI at Belagavi, Karnataka on 25th February,2017
4) “Spectrophotometric Determination of Phosphate in Sugarcane Juice using Organic Aqueous Media” by Shri Narendra Mohan, Shri Vishnu Prabhakar, and Dr. (Mrs.) Chitra Yadav published in the Indian Sugar, January, 2017.
5) “Role of Sugar Industry in Uttar Pradesh Power Crisis” by Shri D. Swain, Shri Anoop K. Kanaujia, published in Sharkara, Oct-Dec, 2016
6) “An overview of Indian cane molasses quality and need for alternate feed stocks” by Narendra Mohan and Seema Paroha presented during the all India seminar organized by the AIDA on 22nd & 23rd February, 2017 at New Delhi.
7) “Overview of Corrosion of Process Equipments in Indian Cane Sugar Industry” by Narendra Mohan and Ashutosh Bajpai presented during all India seminar on “Emerging Trends in use of Stainless Steel to combat Corrosion in Sugar & Allied Industries” organized by The Sugar Technologists Association of India on 4th March, 2017 at Pune.
8) “Effect of Potassium Application on Nutrient Uptake, Yield and Quality of Sugarcane & Sustainable Soil Health” by Narendra Mohan, Ashok Kumar Yadav, Lokesh Babar & Prabhat Kumar Agrahari presented during National Conference on “Farmers Centric Agri-innovation for Sustainable Development” organized by C.S. Azad University of Agriculture & Technology, Kanpur on 24-25th March, 2017 at Kanpur.
9) “Biomass Energy: A step towards Economic & Environmental Sustainability in India” by Narendra Mohan, & Anoop Kumar Kanaujia sent for presentation during the forthcoming International Congress on Sugar & Sugarcane Derivatives being organized from 26 to 30th June, 2017 at La Habana, Cuba.
10) “Sugarcane Juice Utilization: Expeditious Green Synthesis of Graphene” by Narendra Mohan & Vishnu Prabhaka sent for presentation during the forthcoming International Congress on Sugar & Sugarcane Derivatives being organized from 26 to 30th June, 2017 at La Habana, Cuba.
11) “Sugarcane Productivity Enhancment A Holistic Approach” by Narendra Mohan & Priyanka Singh sent for presentation during the forthcoming International Congress on Sugar & Sugarcane Derivatives being organized from 26 to 30th June, 2017 at La Habana, Cuba.
1) “Ethanol & Indian Sugar Industry: Approach for Sustainability & Success” by Narendra Mohan sent for publication in the “Industrial Co-generation India”, a newsletter of MNRE
2) “Sustainability of the Indian Sugar Industry: A Road Map” by Narendra Mohan presented during National Seminar on “Challenges, Opportunities and Innovative Approaches in Sugarcane: Agriculture, Bioenergy and Climate Change” organized by U. P. Council of Sugarcane Research, Shahjahanpur, U. P., from 21st to 23rd December, 2016.
3) “Graphene Oxide from Bagasse: Synthesis and its utilization in Carbocatalysis” by Narendra Mohan and Vishnu Prabhakar presented during ISSCT XXIX Congress held from 5th to 8th December 2016 at Thailand.
4) “Recycling of Pan and last body evaporator vapours by compressing with MVR and used in first effect of evaporator” by Narendra Mohan and Mahendra Kumar Yadav presented during ISSCT XXIX Congress held from 5th to 8th December-2016 at Thailand.
5) “Feasibility of Ethanol Production in India through Alternate Feed Stocks” by Narendra Mohan, Dr. (Mrs.) Seema Paroha and Santosh Kumar presented during ISSCT XXIX Congress held from 5th to 8th December- 2016 at Thailand.
6) “Sugar Cane Juice Clarification by Distillery Fermenter Gasses” by Narendra Mohan, A, Bajpai and M.P. Singh presented during ISSCT XXIX Congress held from 5th to 8th December-2016 at Thailand.
7) “Indian Alcohol Industry – Future Challenges” by Santosh Kumar and Narendra Mohan presented during two days all India Seminar on “Production of Ethanol/Bio-Fuels and Effluent Treatment Technologies to Achieve Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD)” organized jointly by the Institute and All India Distillers Association at Hyderabad on 17-18th October, 2016.
8) .“Reducing steam consumption in boiling house – An overview” by Narendra Mohan, A Bajpai and M P Singh presented during the all India seminar organized by STAI at Amritsar on 14th October, 2016
9) “Energy Efficiency in Sugar Mills” by Narendra Mohan and J. P. Srivastava presented during the all India seminar organized by STAI at Amritsar on 14th October, 2016.
1) “Reducing Steam Consumption in boiling house An overview” by M P Singh, A Bajpai and N Mohan sent for presentation in forthcoming seminar of STAI at Amritsar on 14th October, 2016.
2) “Energy Efficiency in Sugar Mills” by Narendra Mohan and J. P. Srivastava sent for presentation during forthcoming seminar of STAI at Amritsar on 14th October, 2016.
3) “Sugar Industry & Ethanol Blending Program Opportunities & Challenges” by Narendra Mohan presented during “Ethanol Outlook” organized on 22-23rd August, 2016 at New Delhi.
4) “Production of Invert sugar syrup from cane juice using natural clarificants and citric acid” by Vinitanjali Banerjee, Santosh Kumar and Seema Paroha published in Annual Convention of STAI held on 28-30th July, 2016 at New Delhi.
5) “Ethanol Production in India- Looking beyond” by Narendra Mohan, published in 62nd Annual Convention of DSTA held on 12-13th August, 2016 at Pune.
6) “Ozonation: An alternative to Sulphitation”, by V.P. Singh, Jahar Singh and P. Sanyal presented during the Annual Convention of STAI held on 28-30 July, 2016 at New Delhi
7) “Efficiency enhancement of sugar dust collection system” by Sanjay Chauhan presented during the Annual Convention of STAI held on 28-30th July, 2016 at New Delhi.
8) “Efficient water conservation treatment and systems in cane sugar factories : A need of the hour” by Narendra Mohan, V.P. Srivastava, Mahendra Yadav and V.S. Maurya presented during the Annual Convention of SISSTA held on 15-16th July, 2016 at Chennai.
1) “Efficient water conservation treatment and system in cane sugar factories : A need of the hour” by Narendra Mohan, Seema Paroha, V.P. Srivastava and MahendraYadav sent for publication in the annual convention of SISSTA to be held in July, 2016.
2) “Production of Invert Syrup from Cane Juice using natural clarificants and citric acid” by V. Banerjee, S. Kumar and S. Paroha sent for publication in 74th annual convention of STAI to be held in July, 2016 at New Delhi.
3) “Ozonation: An Alternative to Sulphitation” by V.P. Singh, Jahar Singh & P.Sanyal sent for publication in 74th annual convention of STAI to be held in July, 2016 at New Delhi.
1) “Efflciency Enhanement of Sugar Dust Collection System” by Sanjay Chauhan sent for publication in 74th annual convention of STAI to be held in July, 2016 at New Delhi.
2) “Ethanol Production in India – Looking Beyond” by Narendra Mohan sent for publication in annual convention of DSTA to be held in August, 2016.
3) “Real Time Monitoring for Effluent Treatment Plant of Sugar Industry: A Study” by M.K. Banerjee presented during All India Seminar on “Water Management & Meeting the CPCB Guidelines” organized by National Sugar Institute jointly with The Sugar Technologists’ Association of India on 12th May, 2016 at NSI, Kanpur.
1) “Electro-coagulation coupled with Adsorption and Ion-Exchange Process: Feasible Choice for reusing Sugar Factory Condensates and Effluent” by Seema Paroha presented during All India Seminar on “Water Management & Meeting the CPCB Guidelines” organized by National Sugar Institute jointly with The Sugar Technologists’ Association of India on 12th May, 2016 at NSI, Kanpur.
2) “Role of Sugar Industry in Uttar Pradesh Power Crisis” by Anoop Kumar Kanaujia and D. Swain published in the proceedings of Annual Convention of NISSTA held on 29-30 April, 2016 at Lucknow.
3) “Effect of Potassium Zinc Sulphur on Morphological, Yield Attributes and Bio-chemical traits of Sugar Beet on Ethanol Production” by Ashok Kumar & Lokesh Babar published in the proceedings of Annual Convention of NISSTA held on 29-30 April, 2016 at Lucknow.
1) “ Effect of Potassium- Zinc- Sulphur on Morphological, Yield Attributes and Biochemical Traits of Sugar Beet on Ethanol Production” sent publication in the Annual Convention of North Indian Sugarcane & Sugar Technologist Association to be held in April, 2016, At Lucknow.
2) “Real Time Data Monitoring for Effluent Treatment Plant of Sugar Industry : A Study” by M.K. Banerjee sent for publication in All India Seminar on “ Water Management & Meeting the CPCB Guidelines” to be held on 12th May, 2016 at National Sugar Institute, Kanpur, U.P.
1) “Challenges, Future Requirements of Sugarcane Production and Productivity in India” by Lokesh Babar & Ashok Kumar, published in Indian Sugar, January 2016.
2) “Use of Decanter in cane sugar processing retrospective & future prospects” by Narendra Mohan, Jahar Singh & A.K.Garg published in the proceedings of All India Seminar on “Energy Efficient Options for treatment of clarifier under flow” organized by STAI on 29th January,2016 at Noida, U.P.
1) “Challenges, Future Requirements of Sugarcane Production and Productivity in India” - by Ashok Kumar & Lokesh Babar sent for publication in Indian Sugar
2) “Graphene Oxide from Bagasse: Synthesis and its utilization in Carbocatalysis.” - by Narendra Mohan and Vishnu Prabhakar sent for presentation in XXIX ISSCT Congress, to be held in December-2016 in Thailand
3) “Recycling of Pan and last body of Evaporator vapours by compressing with MVR and used in first effect of Evaporator.” - by Narendra Mohan and Mahenda Kumar Yadav sent for presentation in XXIX ISSCT Congress, to be held in December-2016 in Thailand
4) “Feasibility of Ethanol Production in India through Alternate Feed Stocks” - by Seema Paroha and Santosh Kumar sent for presentation in XXIX ISSCT Congress, to be held in December-2016 in Thailand
5) “Sugar Cane Juice Clarification By Distillery Fermenter Gasses” - by Narendra Mohan, A. Bajpai and M. P Singh sent for presentation in XXIX ISSCT Congress, to be held in December-2016 in Thailand.
6) .“Ethanol production for better health of Indian Sugar Industry” - by Narendra Mohan sent for publication in “Ethanol India.”
7) “An Assessment of Economic Viability of Ethanol Production through selected alternate routes” - by S. Kumar, Seema Paroha and Narendra Mohan presented during the All India Seminar jointly organized by the Institute and All India Distillers Association on 19th November, 2015 at Kanpur.
8) “A Novel Approach to Optimize the Design of Power Processors of D C Drive for Milling Tandem in a Sugar Factory” - by Narendra Mohan, D. Swain, Anoop Kanaujia presented during the All India Seminar on “Sugarcane Energy Utilization Technologies – Present, Emerging & Future” jointly organized by the Institute with J.P Mukherjee & Associates Ltd. on 17 October, 2015 at Pune
9) “Maximization of Ethanol Production through BHeavy Molasses-A Recent Approach” - by Narendra Mohan, Seema Paroha and S. Kumar presented during the All India Seminar on “Sugarcane Energy Utilization Technologies – Present, Emerging & Future” jointly organized by the Institute with J.P Mukherjee & Associates Ltd. on 17 October, 2015 at Pune
10) .“Alternate Feed Stocks for Alcohol ProductionAchieving EBP success” - by S. Kumar, S. Paroha and N. Mohan presented during the All India Seminar organized by All India Distillers Association from 8-9th October, 2015 at Bengaluru.
11) “Bagasse Drying- A Green& Efficient Solution to Significantly Meet out power Deficit in India” - by Anoop Kanaujia and D. Swain was presented during XIth joint Convention of STAI and DSTA by D. Swain held from 4th -6th September,2015 at Goa.
12) “Energy Conservation- A Case Study” - by Sanjay Chauhan published in XIth joint convention of STAI and DSTA held from 4-6th September,2015 at Goa.
13) “Need for On Line Turbidity Monitoring in Clarified Juice in Real Time” - by M. K. Banerjee presented during XIth Joint Convention of STAI & DSTA held from 4th – 6th September,2015 at Goa.
14) “Bagasse Gasification – An Energy Efficient Option” - by Narendra Mohan, J. P. Srivastava and Anoop Kanaujia was presented during XIth Joint Convention of STAI & DSTA by JP Srivastava held from 4th – 6th September, 2015 at Goa.
15) “Thyristor Based Speed Control Techniques of Mill in Sugar Industry : A Case Study” - by Brajesh Singh, Virendra Kumar and M. K. Banerjee was presented during XIth Joint Convention of STAI & DSTA by Virendra Kumar held from 4th – 6th September, 2015 at Goa.
16) “Comparative Evaluation of Carbonation & Phosphotation Process for Refined Sugar Production” - by Narendra Mohan & Mahendra Yadav was presented during XIth Joint Convention of STAI & DSTA by Mahendra Yadav held from 4th -6th September, 2015 at Goa.
17) “Cane Juice Clarification by Fermenter Gases for Production of direct Consumption Sulpherless White Sugar” - by Narendra Mohan, A. Bajpai, Narendra Dev and M. P. Singh was presented during XIth Joint Convention of STAI & DSTA by Dr. A. Bajpai held from 4th -6th September, 2015 at Goa.
18) “Foaming in Molasses Effect of Temperature, Organic and Inorganic Constituents” - by Kiran Singh, S. Mohan and Jitendra Singh, was presented by Jitendra Singh during the XIth Joint Convention of STAI & DSTA held from 4th -6th September, 2015 at Goa.
19) “Optimization of Lead Sub Acetate Quantity for Observation Of Optical Rotation of Boiling House Products” - by Ashutosh Bajpai, M. Chandra and M. Mandal published in Indian Sugar, August, 2015.
20) “Use of Decanter in Cane Sugar Processing Retrospect and Prospect” - by Narendra Mohan, Jahar Singh & AK Garg sent for publication in the International Journal of Sugar Crop and related Industries.
21) “Alternate Feed Stocks for Alcohol Production-Achieving EBP Success” - by Santosh Kumar, Mrs. Seema Paroha and Narendra Mohan sent for publication in All India Seminar of AIDA to be held in October 2015.
22) “Cassava and Sugar Beet- The Alternative Feed Stocks for Alcohol Production” - by Santosh Kumar, Mrs. Seema Paroha and Narendra Mohan published in XIth Joint Convention of STAI and DSTA held from 4th to 6th August 2015 at Goa.
23) “Bagasse Based Integrated Gasification – Initiative for an Efficient Power Production in Indian Sugar Industries” - by Anoop Kumar Kanaujia, J.P. Shrivastava and Narendra Mohan was presented by Anoop Kumar Kanaujia during the 45th Annual Convention of SISSTA held from 24th – 25th July, 2015 at Bengaluru.
24) “Boiler Soot Cleaning by Air Blasting Method” - presented by Sanjay Chauhan, during the 45th Annual Convention of SISSTA held from 24th -25th July, 2015 at Bengaluru.
26) “Optimization of Lead Sub Acetate Quantity for Observation of Optical Rotation of Boiling House Products” - by Ashutosh Bajpai, M Chandra and M Mandal sent for presentation in 45thAnnual Convention of SISSTA scheduled to be held from 24th & 25thJuly 2015 at Bengalur
25) “Automation of Clarification Section in Sugar Industry: A Case Study” - by Brajesh Singh, Virendra Kumar and M K Banerjee presented by Brajesh Singh during 45th Annual Convention of SISSTA held from 24th - 25th July, 2015 at Bengaluru.
26) “GAC Manufacturing in Sugar Plant -A New Byproduct” - by D. Mukharjee published in the proceeding of All India seminar on “Environment Concepts of Sugar Complexes” organized by The South Indian Sugarcane & Sugar Technologists Association at Hyderabad, on 11th May, 2015
27) “Role of Efficient Electric Drives in Juice Extraction” - by Anoop Kumar Kanaujia, Vinay Kumar and D. Swain presented at All India Seminar Organized By NSI and SNSI at Belagavi, Karnataka on 18th April,2015.
28) . “Diffusers – A Possible Option over Milling” - by D. Swain presented at All India Seminar Organized by NSI and SNSI at Belagavi, Karnataka on 18th April, 2015
29) “Role of Bagasse Drying in Controlling Uttar Pradesh Power Crisis” - by D. Swain sent for publication in the journal “Energy Next”.
30) “Recent Developments in White Sugar Solution Colorimetry” - by Sudhanshu Mohan published in Indian Sugar Journal in January 2015.
31) “Scenario of Automation in Sugar Industry-Milling and Processing” - by Brajesh Singh, Virendra Kumar and M. K. Banerjee published in Indian Sugar Journal in January, 2015.
32) “Alternate Feedstock for Alcohol Production” - by Santosh Kumar and Seema Paroha presented at All India Seminar organized by NSI-STAI at New Delhi on 21st January, 2015.
33) “Production of Ethanol in India Challenges & Opportunities” - by Narendra Mohan presented at All India Seminar organized by NSI-STAI at New Delhi on 21st January, 2015.