1) “All India Seminar on "Water Management & Meeting the CPCB Guidelines" on 12th May 2016 at National Sugar Institute, Kanpur.
1) “Exploring Alternate Feed Stocks and Addressing Environmental issues in Distilleries” -
was jointly organized with All India Distillers Association, New Delhi on 19th November, 2015 at NSI, Kanpur. The Seminar was inaugurated by Prof. S.K. Gupta, Ex Director, NSI, Kanpur who lauded the role of National Sugar Institute in addressing the issue of by product utilization in an innovative manner.
Shri V.N Raina, Director General, AIDA while delivering Inaugural address informed the delegates about the role of AIDA in propagating newer technologies and on policy matters. Large no. of delegates from Maharashtra, Karnataka, Gujarat, UP and Haryana attended the Seminar. During the seminar eminent experts from Alcohol & Brewery Industries made their presentation on the important topics viz. Diversion of B-Heavy molasses & use of alternate feed stocks for alcohol production, installation of incineration boiler and adoption of ferti-irrigation etc. to achieve ZLD.
2) “Sugarcane Energy Utilization Technologies – Present, Emerging & Future” -
was jointly organized by the Institute with M/s J. P. Mukherjee & Associates Ltd., Pune on 17th October, 2015 at Pune, Maharashtra. The Seminar was attended by large no. of delegates from Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat & UP. The Director, NSI delivered the inaugural lecture during the seminar and emphasized upon energy conservation through use of newer technologies, process instrumentation & control.
Shri M.S. Sundaram, Managing Director, M/s JP Mukherjee & Associates Ltd., Pune while delivering the welcome address stressed upon need for adoption of many newer energy efficient technologies particularly at Juice Extraction, Cooling and Condensing stages. During the seminar 10 papers were presented. The presentation covered various sugarcane energy utilization technologies, innovative e.g. production of CNG from Press Mud, Bagasse Drying and on exploringpotential of alternate feed stocks for Ethanol production.
3) "The institute organized All India Seminar on “Sugar Industry – Emerging Trends” at NSI, Kanpur on 2nd September, 2015." -
Dr. A Mathlouthi, President, A Van Hook Associates, France delivered the keynote address on “Melting and Crystallization of Sugars: A Structural Approach” Various other eminent experts from the sugar industry also participated and made their presentation on the important topics viz. High pressure co-generation system in the sugar industry, Technology advancement Vs energy conservation, Bio-fuels production in organic sugarcane farms and Innovative technologies for improvement in efficiency and quality to increase profitability. Large no. of delegates from U.P., Punjab & Haryana attended the seminar.
4) "An All India seminar on “Efficient Methods of Juice Extraction” -
was jointly organized by National Sugar Institute and S. Nijalingappa Sugar Institute, Belagavi, Karnataka
on 18th April, 2015 at Belagavi, Karnataka. The seminar was attended by large no. of delegates from Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Uttar Pradesh.
During the seminar nine papers were presented.
The Presentations covered different methods used for energy conservation, energy saving potentials and energy efficient juice extraction technologies developed and in use. Use of energy efficient proven technologies viz. Trash plate less mills and Diffusers so as to reduce power requirement during juice extraction were deliberated in detail. The theme of seminar focused on energy savings during juice extraction so as to enhance power exports.
5) "An All India Seminar on “Use of B Heavy Molasses or Alternative Feed Stocks for Maximizing Ethanol Production” was organized jointly by NSI-STAI on 21st January 2015 at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi. "" - During the seminar, technical aspects and economics of using B heavy molasses & other feed stocks e.g. Sweet Sorghum, Cassava, Cellulosic wastes & intermediate other sugar house process liquors was discussed.
1) "The institute organized an All India Seminar on “Diminishing Productivity of Sugarcane and Sugar recovery in Northern India – Reasons & Opportunities” jointly with The Sugar Technologists’ Association of India at Lucknow on 18th July 2014. " - Large no. of delegates from U.P., Uttrakhand, Bihar & Haryana attended the same to discuss reasons for continuous lower productivity of sugarcane & sugar in sub tropic region & to draw action plan for improvement.
2) “Process Options to Produce Sugar for Domestic and Global Requirements” -
An All India Seminar on “Process Options to Produce Sugar for Domestic and Global Requirements” was jointly organized by National Sugar Institute, Kanpur, S. Nijalingappa Sugar Institute, Belgaum and Bharat Ratna Sir M. Visvesvarya Sugarcane Research Institute, Mandya on 08th August 2014 at Mysore, Karnataka, Delegates from various sugar factories from the state and other parts of the country attended the seminar and seven technical papers were presented.
3) “Productivity Enhancement In Ethanol Units & Alternate Feed Stocks” -
An All India Seminar on “Productivity Enhancement In Ethanol Units & Alternate Feed Stocks” was organized on 25th Feb, 2014 at S. Nijlingappa Sugar Institute, Belgaum, Karnataka which was attended by large no. of delegates from Karnataka, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh. During the seminar 11 papers were presented by the research workers and technology providers on the matters concerning, Deterioration of Molasses on Storage, Use of Enzymes to Enhance Fermentation Efficiency & Production of Ligno-Cellulosic Ethanol.
4) “Water & Waste Water ManagementOpportunity & Challenges” -
An All India Seminar on “Water & Waste Water ManagementOpportunity & Challenges” was organized by the institute on 22nd March, 2014 at Hyderabad jointly with STAI, New Delhi. The institute presented a model “Water Recycling & Management System” for obtaining approx 10 % condensate as surplus for other miscellaneous uses which was highly appreciated by the delegates. Various ways & means for water conservation & its treatment to the extent to make it potable water, were also discussed.
1) “Energy Conservation in Sugar Factories to Boost up Power Exports” -
An All India one day Seminar on “Energy Conservation in Sugar Factories to Boost up Power Exports” was organized on 8th October 2013 jointly by National Sugar Institute, Kanpur & S. Nijlingappa Sugar Institute, Belgaum at Belgaum.
The seminar was attended by large nos. of delegates from various states & seven no. research papers on the topics pertaining to Bagasse Gasification, Diffuser & Decanter Technology, Use of Bio Based Food Grade Lubricants etc. for enhancing energy savings were presented. Beside this, renowned manufacturers & technology providers e.g. ISGEC, ULKA, SAP, TVS, MERU, KAY BOUVET & ALFA LAVAL etc. made their presentations on the occasion
2) “Development of Indigenous, Small, Low Cost, Area Specific Sugarcane Harvester”. -
A Brain Storming Session was organized at IISR, Lucknow on 30th October 2013 to discuss the issue of “Development of Indigenous, Small, Low Cost, Area Specific Sugarcane Harvester”. Large no. of harvester & tractor manufacturers and experts from IISR Lucknow, UPCSR Shahjahanpur attended the session to prepare a road map for development of such harvesters under different agro climatic conditions of the country. M/s IISR, Lucknow also made a field demonstration of a tractor mounted sugarcane harvester developed by them.
3) “Innovative Approaches for Productivity Enhancement & Green Link Value Addition of Distillery Waste” -
An All India one day Seminar on “Innovative Approaches for Productivity Enhancement & Green Link Value Addition of Distillery Waste” was organized at National Sugar Institute, Kanpur on 26.11.2013. The seminar was inaugurated by Dr. B. K. Yadav, Managing Director, U.P. Cooperative Sugar Factories Federation Ltd., Lucknow. Dr. G. S. Mann, Member, Advisory Board, National Sugar Institute, also graced the occasion.
During the seminar 14 papers were presented by the research workers & technology providers on various topics e. g. SOP Fired Boilers, Deterioration of Molasses Upon Storage, Water Conservation & Productivity Enhancement in Distilleries etc. Delegates from many sugar & alcohol producing states participated in the seminar.
National Sugar Institute, Kanpur, in association with The Sugar Technologists’ Association of India, New Delhi organized one day All India Seminar on “MECHANIZATION OF SUGAR CANE CULTIVATION” on 30.07.2013 at the institute. The seminar was inaugurated by Prof. Ashok Kumar, Vice Chancellor, CSJM University, Kanpur. In his inaugural address , Prof. Ashok Kumar stressed upon the need to initiate suitable measures and make concerted efforts to maintain the stability of sugar production as per demand. He appreciated the efforts been made by the institute by organizing seminar on such an important topic when acute shortage of farm labour is being felt. In his address Dr. G.S.C. Rao, President, Sugar Technologists Association of India, New Delhi expressed concern over slow pace of farm mechanization, particularly, in northern India & detailed about the farm mechanization undertaken in other sugar producing countries.
Welcoming the distinguished guests and participants, Shri Narendra Mohan, Director of the Institute appreciated the gesture of STAI, New Delhi for holding the seminar at the institute. “In our country sugarcane harvesting is mainly done by unskilled labours which takes too much time & also at the same time a long time is lapsed between harvesting and crushing of the sugarcane thus causing loss of sugar in sugarcane due to staling which ultimately results is lower recovery of sugar”, he added, This situation can be minimized to a large extent by using mechanical means of harvesting & proper transportation. He also emphasized upon development of high yielding & high sugar containing varieties to improve the farm productivity.
Dr. S. Soloman, Director, Indian Institute of Sugar Cane Research Lucknow also addressed the delegates & shared his experiences on development of mechanical sugarcane harvester. Dr. Arun Agarwal, Director, U.P. Council of Sugarcane Research, Shahjahanpur also expressed his views on the occasionMany sugarcane harvester manufacturers, namely, New Holland, Shrijee Engineering Works also made their presentations during the seminar.