संगोष्ठी , सम्मेलन, प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम और औपचारिक बैठकेः
A webinar on the topic of “Modern
Trends in Automation to Enhance
Efficiency of Sugar Factories” organised
by the institute on 9th July 2021. The
webinar was graced by Shri S. S.
Gangawati, President, Deccan Sugar
Technologist Association, Pune and more
than 200 delegates from various parts of
the country attended the same
Under the auspices of “Aazadi Ka
Amrut Mahotsav”, a webinar on the topic
"Grain Based Distilleries: Operation &
Economics" was organised by the National
Sugar Institute, Kanpur and All India
Distillers' Association (AIDA) on World
Biofuel Day 10th August 2021. More than
150 delegates participated the webinar
from various parts of the country.
A webinar on "Diffusers in Cane Sugar
Industry" was organized by National Sugar
Institute, Kanpur. Eminent Speakers from
India and Australia made their
presentations. Various aspects of cane and
bagasse diffusion same discussed. More
than 150 delegates participated in the
webinar from different part of the India
along with foreign delegates.
Under the Auspices of "Aazadi Ka Amrut
Mahotsav", a National Webinar was
organized on 10th May 2021 by National
Sugar Institute, Kanpur on important topic
"Sugar Industry- Potential for Providing
Bio-energy & Oxygen". About 200 delegates
from different sugar producing states
participated. Prof. D Swain, Prof. Sugar
Engineering, NSI, Kanpur presented issues
in utilizing existing MSDH facilities available
in ethanol plants for utilization in production
of oxygen.
National Webinar on "Standardization of
Capacities of Ethanol Plant & Modelling of
Ethanol Production" was jointly organized
by National Sugar Institute & SISSTA on
15th June 2021. The webinar was addressed
by Joint Secretary (Sugar & Admn.),
Director, NSI and other eminent experts.
Presentations were made on the need for
standardizing the ethanol plant capacities
and on possible routes for sacrificing sugar
to produce ethanol. More than 200
delegates from various sugar producing
states participated.
A webinar on “Alternate Technologies for
Achieving ZLD & Value Added Products in
Molasses based Distilleries” organized by
the institute on 19th January 2021, with the
theme to think beyond available technologies
relating to "Bio-composting and Incineration".
Many innovative technologies viz. Spray
Drying etc. were discussed.
A webinar on the topic “Manufacture of
Value added Products by Micro, Small &
Medium Sector Units” was organized on 16th
March 2021 by National Sugar Institute,
Kanpur to discuss project profiles of value
added products viz. 100% bio-compostable
tableware, particle board, potash rich fertilizer
and compressed bio gas from by-products of
the sugar industry. Secretary (Food & Public
Distribution), Government of India, called
upon the sugar factories to set up such units of
their own or as joint ventures. New
entrepreneurs may also come up; this may create rural development and job creation as
well, he added.
Under the auspices of “Azaadi Ka Amrut
Mahotsav”, One Day Seminar on "Potential &
Possibilities of Energy Saving in Sugar
Industries" was organized by NSI, Kanpur
jointly with Spray Engineering Devices
Limited & AASCT at M/s Dewan Sugars Ltd.,
Agwanpur, Moradabad on 22nd March 2021.
More than 100 delegates from various sugar
factories participated in the seminar.
Asian Sugar Conference 2020 was organized by the Institute on 8th October, 2020 on virtual platform.
More than 250 delegates from Indonesia, Iran, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Nepal, Nigeria, Uganda, Kenya, UAE
and Vietnam participated. The conference was inaugurated by Secretary (Food & Public Distribution),
Government of India who stressed upon the need for producing sugar as per market requirements and
to make sugar industry competitive.
राष्ट्रीय शर्करा संस्थान, कानपुर ने भारतीय चीनी मिल्स एसोसिएशन के साथ मिलकर 15 अक्टूबर को एक महत्वपूर्ण विषय “भविष्य के ईंधन की
ओर एक कदम (A Step Ahead towards a Future Fuel)” पर ऑनलाइन वेबीनार आयोजित किया। कार्यक्रम का प्रारम्भ करते हुये श्री
सुधांशु पाण्डेय, सचिव (खाद्य एवं सार्वजनिक वितरण), भारत सरकार ने इस बात पर बल दिया कि भारत मे कच्चे तेल के आयात को कम
करने के लिए हमे चरणबद्ध तरीके से पेट्रोल मे ईथनोल मिश्रण के कार्यक्रम को विस्तारित करना होगा। इसके लिए हमे 2022 तक के लिए
निर्धारित 10% मिश्रण के लक्ष्य को 2030 तक बढ़ाकर 20% करना होगा।
An International WEBINAR on "Alternate
Uses of Bagasse” was organized by the
institute on 2nd July, 2020. Inaugural address
was delivered by Shri R. L. Tamak, Executive
Director & CEO (Sugar Business), DCM Shri
Ram Ltd. and concluding remarks were given
by Dr. MS Sundaram, Managing Director, JPMA,
Pune. Presentations were also given by the
institute faculty members on Bio-plastic,
Particle Board, Eco-Ware Crockery and Dietary
fiber from sugarcane bagasse.
An International webinar was organized on
06th August, 2020 on the topic “Sugar &
Sweeteners-Quality and Consumption
Patterns” jointly by National Sugar Institute,
Kanpur, National Sugar Development Council,
Nigeria and Assiut University, Egypt, wherein
large nos. of delegates from India, Sudan, Egypt,
Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Saudi Arabia, Kenya and
Nepal participated. Lectures were delivered by
institute faculty and eminent experts from
other countries.
A WEBINAR on "Impact of COVID 19 on Indian Sugar Industry" was successfully organized jointly
by National Sugar Institute, Kanpur & M/s Shrijee Process Engineering Works Ltd., Maharashtra on 29th
April, 2020. Prof. Narendra Mohan, Director delivered the inaugural address emphasizing stress on safe
processing and packaging conditions. Galaxy of experts participated and deliberated on the issue. The
Webinar concluded with some thought provoking ideas to be adopted as short and long term measures
keeping in view the situation which has been prevailing due to pandemic.
A WEBINAR on "Domestic and Industrial Sanitization amidst Pandemic" was successfully
organized by the institute jointly with Christ Church College, Kanpur on 14th May, 2020. This Webinar
was intended to provide an insight on the domestic and industrial sanitization at various levels of the
sugarcane value chain with a perspective on the evolving situation, implications and the booster steps
required to pull out of this turmoil. Shri Sanjay Awasthi, President, The Sugar Technologists Association
of India delivered the key note address and highlighted various precautionary measures to be taken for
maintaining sanitary conditions in the sugar units.
Presentations were also made by Prof. Narendra Mohan, Director, National Sugar Institute, Kanpur, Dr.
(Mrs.) Meet Kamal Dwivedi, Associate Professor of Chemistry and Dr. R. K Dwivedi, Associate Professor
of Physics, Christ Church College on the subject matter.
A WEBINAR on "Sugar Market & Consumption Under Covid-19" was organized by the institute on
16th June, 2020. Mr. Peter De Klerk, Senior Economist International Sugar Organization, UK delivered
the key note address highlighting the myth and realities associated with sugar consumption. He also
presented scenario as regards sugar consumption and global sugar price amidst pandemic.
An on line session was organized by the institute with Mr Arvind Chudasama, Editor, International
Sugar Journal, London on the topic "Exploiting Ligno-cellulosic Feed Stocks for Lignin and
Chemicals" on 4th June, 2020. Mr. Chudasama gave a snapshot of R&D being carried out on utilization
of lignin for production of plasticizers, aerogels & carbon filter etc. The highlighted the present status of
work being carried out on commercial exploitation of the value added products in other countries viz.
USA, Brazil and Australia.
A presentation on “Re-orienting Technological Approach for Process and Products
Diversification to Mitigate Corona Crisis” was given by Director, NSI in Webinar organized by Indian
Institute of Sugarcane Research, Lucknow (IISR) on the topic “Sugarcane Sector in Post Covid-19 and
way forward” on 12th June, 2020. He stressed upon three R’s – Revisit, Re-create and Re-orient to
mitigate the Corona crisis.
Director, NSI, attended a national seminar on "Recent Advanced Technologies in Analytical
Chemistry" at DG Collage, Kanpur on 17th January, 2020 as Chief Guest & highlighted the importance of
instruments in achieving higher degree of accuracy and precise analysis. He stressed upon use of
modern analytical instruments in precise analysis during R & D work and validation of data
Director, NSI, attended a seminar on "Waste Management- Role of Chemistry" on 22nd January,
2020 at DAV College, Kanpur & delivered a lecture on Waste Minimization & Value Addition. He touched
upon all areas of waste generation i.e. municipal, agricultural and industrial.
Dr. Ashutosh Bajpai, Prof. Sugar Technology & Dr. Ashok Yadav, Asstt. Prof. Agri. Chemistry attended the
Seminar on “Sugarcane – Is there any alternative?” along with Prof. Narendra Mohan, Director on 11th
November, 2019 at IISR, Lucknow.
Dr. Ashok Yadav, Asstt. Prof. Agri. Chemistry & Dr. Lokesh Babar, Jr. Scientific Officer Agri. Chemistry
attended one-day National Seminar on “Sugarcane Challenges and Future Strategies for Doubling
Farmers Income” on 11th November, 2019 at IISR, Lucknow.
Shri Brajesh Singh, Technical Officer (Inst.) & Shri N. K. Venkatesh attended a National Seminar on “IT
Security” on 29th November, 2019 at Kanpur, U.P.
Institute participated as event partner in the two days National Seminar on “Ethanol Production
from Different Feed Stocks Including Molasses, Sugarcane Juice, Grain, Sweet Beet and other
Cellulosic Materials” jointly organized by All India Distillers Association (AIDA) on 12th & 13th
December, 2019 at Jaipur. Prof. Narendra Mohan, Director National Sugar Institute also delivered a
lecture on “Is Sugar beet a Potential Feed Stock for Ethanol Production?” during the seminar.
Director, NSI delivered J P Mukherjee Memorial Lecture during the 65th Annual Convention of
Deccan Sugar Technologist's Association on the theme "Indian Sugar Industry- Beyond Sugar" held
on 1st October, 2019 at Pune, Maharashtra. He stressed upon producing sugar as per consumer
preferences & market demand besides making value added products by using innovative techniques.
Institute participated in Seminar on "Ganga Conservation" organized by Kanpur District
Administration at CSJM University, Kanpur on 9th December-2019, during which very informative
lectures were given on water conservation and measures to be taken for saving the rivers. On this
occasion oath was also administered for keeping Holy River Ganga clean. The seminar was attended by
more than 1500 students & teachers of various colleges.
A workshop on 5th September, 2019 on the topic “Production of Particle Board from Bagasse”
was organized at National Sugar Institute, Kanpur. The workshop was aimed to discuss possible use of
bagasse for production of particle board for manufacture of furnitures. An elaborate study was
presented by M/s Protos Engineering Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai on relative cost-economics & quality.
. Shri D. Swain, Prof. Sugar Engineering & Shri Anoop Kumar Kanaujia, Asstt. Prof. Sugar Engineering
attended the National Conference on “Sugar Tech – 2019” organized by Confederation of Industry
(CII) at Lucknow on 19th September, 2019. The institute participated as “Knowledge Partner” in the
Director, National Sugar Institute attended “Bharatiya Sugar Symposium” on 20-21st September,
2019 at Kolhapur on the topic of “Sustainability of Sugar Industry”. He also addressed the delegates on
“Economics & Environmental Sustainability of the Sugar Industry”.
National Seminar on "Indian Sugars- Standardization & Quality Considerations" was jointly
organized by NSI-BIS-Maarc Labs at the institute on 26th September, 2019 at NSI, Kanpur. Delegates
from BIS, New Delhi, Maarc Labs., Pune & sugar industry as well as students of the institute
participated in the seminar. Presentation were made on sugar standards prevalent in other countries & as accepted for global
trade. Standard methods and protocols for analyzing various quality parameters were presented and
deliberated. Importance of food safety management was also emphasized during the seminar.
Director, NSI participated in National Seminar on "Food Chemistry, Processed Food and
Toxicology” and delivered Presidential Address on “Quality aspects of Indian Sugars for global
competitiveness” on 25th September, 2019 at Department of Chemistry, D.A.V., PG College Kanpur. He
called upon for implementation of quality management system and product quality as per
international standards for global competitiveness.
Director, National Sugar Institute delivered Mangal Singh Memorial Lecture on the topic “Sugar
Industry- As I look at it" during the 77th Annual convention of STAI held on 17-19th July, 2019 at
Biswa Bangla Convention Centre, New Town, Kolkata, W.B. In his lecture, he stressed upon need for
diversification and integration of the sugar industry with other food processing industries. He
emphasized upon increasing revenue generation from other sources rather than depending heavily on
revenues from the sugar.
4th Annual Convention of North Indian Sugarcane & Sugar Technologists’ Association (NISSTA)
organized at NSI, Kanpur on 29-30th May, 2019 concluded with provoking lectures & 06 nos. of
informative presentations from institute on innovative processes and technologies followed by
colorful cultural programme.
Eminent experts, Prof. Ross Broadfoot, Sugar Research Institute, Australia, Mr. Ahmed Vawda, Plant
Executive Director (Sugar), Saudi Arabia and Dr. Keerthipala, Director, Sugarcane Research
Institute, Sri Lanka delivered lectures on important aspects of sugar processing & sugarcane
price fixation mechanism.
National Sugar Institute, Kanpur jointly with Bharatiya Sugar organized two days workshop at
Kolhapur on 03-04th May, 2019 on technical issues relating to productivity enhancement in
distilleries & use of alternate feed stocks. Matters relating to effluent treatment to achieve
ZLD through various modes were also discussed.
Director, National Sugar Institute Conferred with “Innovative Leader of Asia Award-2019” during
the 3rd Asian Leadership Summit being organized at Thimphu, Bhutan from 18 -22nd June 2019.
Director, National Sugar Institute conferred with 'Outstanding Academic Leader of the Year 2019"
award by Centre for Education Growth & Research for institute’s contribution in education, skill
and research.
Dr. V.P. Srivastava, Asstt. Prof. Organic Chemistry conferred with “Young Scientist Award” in
4th Annual Convention of North Indian Sugarcane & Sugar Technologists’ Association (NISSTA)
organized at NSI, Kanpur on 29-30th May, 2019
An interactive session for 20 IAS Probationers was organized at the institute on 28th June, 2019.
During the session a presentation was given on "Issues related to sugarcane production, milling,
marketing management, cost and sugar recovery". Director and other senior faculty members briefed
them about various aspects relating to policy, productivity and need for product diversifications.
Matters related to environmental, sugarcane procurement and sugar price fixation mechanism were
also discussed during the interactive session. The participants also gathered knowledge on
utilization of various by products of the sugar industry and their impact on revenue generation.
The probationers also visited various laboratories including Bureau of Sugar Standard to know
process of preparation of sugar standard grades.
Three days "Executive Development Programme" was organized at the institute from 26-28th June,
2019. Senior officials from sugar factories & distilleries situated in UP, Bihar, Maharashtra,
Karnataka, Gujarat and Haryana participated in the programme. Lectures on sugar policy, human
resource, value addition, sugarcane & sugar productivity and on environmental issues were given
by institute & faculty from other reputed institutes viz. IIT & IISR etc.
Director, National Sugar Institute attended the workshop on “Compressed Bio Gas (CBG) – an Opportunity for
the Sugar Industry” organized by Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas jointly with ISMA 21st January,
2019. He also made an innovative presentation on production of “Bio CNG from Filter Cake”. Dr. (Mrs.) Seema
Paroha, Prof. Biochemistry also attended the workshop.
One day seminar on "Ethanol: Policy, Productivity & Profitability" organized by National Sugar Institute
on 28th February 2019 at New Delhi was inaugurated by Shri Vijay Goel, Chairman, Dhampur Sugar Mills Ltd.
Director, National Sugar Institute made opening & introductory remarks on the topic. Shri D. Swain, Prof.
Sugar Engineering, Dr. (Mrs.) Seema Paroha, Prof. Bio Chemistry and Shri Vinay Kumar, Asstt. Prof. Sugar
Engineering also attended the seminar. The seminar was concluded with a massage to develop distilleries
working on multiple feed stocks, benchmarking of the performance parameters & focusing on developing newer
technologies to achieve ZLD.
Director, National Sugar Institute inaugurated one day seminar on the topic “Mill Performance Improvement –
A review” organized by J. P. Mukherji & Associates Pvt. Ltd., Pune jointly with Lal Bahadur Shastri Ganna
Kisan Sansthan, Lucknow on 30th March, 2019. Shri D. Swain, Prof. Sugar Engineering, Shri Vinay Kumar, Asstt.
Prof. Sugar Engineering, Shri Anoop kumar Kanaujia, Asstt. Prof. Sugar Engineering & Shri P Prashant also
attended the seminar.
National Seminar on "Techno-economic Viability of Sugarcane Juice and B-Heavy Molasses as Alternate Feed
Stock for Ethanol Production" was organized jointly with The Sugar Technologists’ Association of India on
16th October 2018 at NSI, Kanpur. Papers relating to differential pricing policy for ethanol & relative
economics of ethanol production from conventional route, B-Heavy molasses & cane juices were presented.
From 26th to 28thOctober 2018, Institute took part in “Krishi Kumbh” organized at Indian Institute
Sugarcane Research, Lucknow. Display of solar seed treatment unit, electrocoagulation based effluent
treatment unit, bio gas unit and many more institute activities was made during the event.
Institute jointly with Co-generation Association of India organized “One day meet on Ethanol for
Promotion of Distillery/Ethanol Projects” on 31st October 2018 at Kanpur in which large number of
delegates from Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Uttarakhand &Haryana participated.
International Conference on "Production of Sugar & Sugar Derivatives under Changing Consumer Preferences"
was organized at the institute on 18 to19th July 2018. More than 300 delegates from USA, UK, Uganda, Sri
Lanka, Indonesia, Nepal, Thailand and of our own country participated in the Conference. Presentations
were made on production of various types of sugars keeping in view their direct and industrial
consumption. In addition to this, presentations were also made on production of low-calorie sweeteners
and cane juice preservation.
Director, NSI, attended the 12th World Congress on “Bio-fuels & Bio-energy” with Prof. D Swain at Zurich, Switzerland.
He also made a presentation on the topic "Efficient Use of Sugarcane Bio-Energy for Sustainable Sugar Production in India".
One-day Seminar on “Production of Sulphurless Raw Sugar followed by Refined Sugar” was jointly organized by National Sugar
Institute & Nirani Sugars Ltd. at Nirani Sugars Ltd. Mudhol, Karnataka.
Director, National Sugar Institute inaugurated the Annual Symposium of “Bharatiya Sugar” at Kolhapur on
the topic "Sustainability of the Sugar Industry".
Director, NSI, attended the 48th Annual Convention of SISSTA at Belagavi Karnataka on 21st-22ndSeptember,
2018 and delivered Parthasarthy Memorial lecture on “Protocol for by Product Utilization for Value
Addition”. Shri S.K. Trivedi, Asstt. Prof. Sugar Technology & Shri A.K. Shukla, Jr. Technical Officer
(Sugar Technology) also attended the Convention
One day National Seminar “AMIFOST 2018” was jointly organized with Amity University, Noida, wherein a
presentation on “Sugar-Life-Health & You” was also made by the institute.
National Seminar on the important topic of "Modern Technologies for Reducing Effluent Generation in Sugar
Processing/Distilleries and Further Treatment to Meet CPCB Norms" was organized by the institute jointly
with S.Nijalingappa Sugar Institute at Belagavi on 27th April 2018. Two papers were presented on the
related topic by the up-coming Sugar Technologist of the institute.
Director, National Sugar Institute attended “Annual Business Meet” organized by M/s EID Parry at Bangalore
on 20th April 2018.During the meet, he delivered a lecture on “Sustainability of Indian Sugar Industry –
Cost Effective Sugar Production & Beyond”.
Director, National Sugar Institute attended two days seminar organized by All India Distiller’s Association
(AIDA), New Delhi on 26-27th April 2018, wherein he emphasized upon use of alternate feed stocks for alcohol
production to meet requirement of various sectors & make EB10 a success.
National Workshop on “Sugar Industry in Northern India-Road Map for Crushing Season 2018-19” organized at
the institute on 26th June 2018 wherein brainstorming on cane price fixation mechanism, diversification,
value addition, sugarcane varietal balance, branding of Indian Sugars and on environmental issues were
carried out.
Institute participated in the International Conference & Agri Expo 2018 on “Sustainability of Smallholder
Agriculture in Developing Countries under Changing Climatic Scenario” organize The Society of Agricultural
Professionals & University of Agriculture & Technology from 14-17th February 2018, at Kanpur.
Dr. V.P. Srivastava, Asstt. Prof. of Organic Chemistry attended the 22nd Chemical Research Society of
India (CRSI) National Symposium in Chemistry, organized by, Pt. Ravi Shankar Shukla University Raipur, Chhattisgarh
from February 2-4th, 2018 at School of Studies in Chemistry. During the Symposium, Dr. Srivastava
presented a research paper on “Pot-Efficient Synthesis of a Renewable Surfactant using Sugarcane derived Lignocellulosic Biomass”.
Shri S. K. Trivedi, Asstt. Prof. Sugar Technology and Shri Vinay Kumar, Asstt. Prof. Sugar Engineering attended one day
workshop on “Patent capacity building program on Basic of IPR, Foreign patent filling, EPO tools, filling
procedures and deliberations on drafting” organized by SIDBI Innovation and Incubation Center, Kanpur,
IIT Kanpur in association with European Business Technology Center (EBTC) and the European Patent Office
(EPO) on 3rd February, 2018 at IIT, Kanpur.
Dr. V.P. Srivastava, Asstt. Prof. of Organic Chemistry attended National Food Conference on Agriculture
and Technology Innovations for “Nutritional Security-NFC 2018” held on 9-10th February, 2018 at Centre of
Food Technology, University of Allahabad, U.P. & presented a poster on “Alternative Sweeteners as sugar
substitute: incentive, influence & innovation”.
One day meet on Ethanol Production and Incineration boiler based co-generation units in molasses based
distilleries organized jointly by NSI and Cogen India on 15thMarch, 2018 at Lucknow. Shri J. P. Srivastava
presented a paper on "Indian Molasses based Distillery: Ethanol & Power Export Potential" during the conference.
Prof. Narendra Mohan, Director and Shri D.Swain, Prof. Sugar Engineering attended the IAPSIT-2018 held
at Udon Thani, Thailand from 6-9th March, 2018. Director, NSI delivered a key note address on “Green Energy
from Sugar Industry” during the conference. Two more papers were presented during the conference.
Prof. Narendra Mohan, Director, upon invitation visited Sugar Research Institute, Ahvaz, Iran. Discussions
were held with Sugar Research Institute officials for collaborative research work and development of the
Sugar Research Institute at Iran. He also visited few factories to have a first look into the technical efficiencies
of the plants for improvement.
One day workshop/views sharing session on draft Charter for sugar factories situated in river Ganga Basin
was organized by NSI on 23rdMarch, 2018 at NSI, Kanpur.
Dr. Vishnu Prabhakar Srivastava, Asstt. Professo Organic Chemistry attended a short course at IIT, Kanpur
of duration 6 days from February 26 to March 03, 2018 on "Reinventing fly ash into near-whitened material
for generating white polymer composites: Technological Advancements" as a part of "Global Initiative of
Academic Network (GIAN) Course, sponsored by MHRD India and AICTE.
Prof. Narendra Mohan, Director, attended 23rd Asia International Sugar Conference at Jakarta, Indonesia
from 31st Oct. to 2nd Nov. 2017 along with Shri Brajesh Singh, Technical Officer (Instrumentation). Prof.
Narendra Mohan, Director also presented a paper during the conference on “Diversification for Sustainability
of the Sugar Industry”
One day workshop on "Upcoming technologies for effluent treatment in sugar industry" was organized at NSI,
Kanpur on 24th October 2017. Shri D K Saxena, Chief Executive Officer, HPCL Biofuels graced the occasion
as "Guest of Honour". Lively discussions were held on the technologies for treatment of spray pond
overflow and condensate polishing units.
Prof. Narendra Mohan, Director, Director attended a short course on “Enhancing Nutrient Use Efficiency
through Next Generation Fertilizers in Field Crops” on 21st November 2017 at IIPR, Kanpur as Chief Guest.
One day all India seminar was jointly organized by NSI and SNSI on “Advance Technologies for Raw-Refined
and Specialty Sugar Production" on 28th August, 2017 at Belagavi, Karnataka. The seminar was attended by
large no. of delegates from Karnataka, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu.
Shri Narendra Mohan, Director attended Annual Convention of DSTA at Belgavi and presented a paper on
"Determination of Sugar Quality keeping in view market requirement”
Shri Narendra Mohan, Director inaugurated International Symposium and Expo at Kolhapur where he was also
Conferred with "Bharatiya Sugar Award” for overall outstanding performance as “Institutional Head-National
Level". Dr. Vishnu Prabhakar Srivastava, Asstt. Professor, Organic Chemistry was conferred with "Bharatiya
Sugar Award” for “Best overall performance in R&D".
Shri Narendra Mohan, along with Shri D.Swain, Prof. Sugar Engineering, Shri J.P.Srivastava, Chief Design
Engineer, Dr. A.Bajpai, Prof. Sugar Technology and Dr. V.P.Srivastava, Assistant Prof., Organic Chemistry
attended 75th Annual Convention of STAI from 3rd to 5th August, 2017 at Kochi. While Shri Narendra Mohan,
Director was conferred with “Industry Excellence Award”, Shri J.P. Srivastava got ISGEC Gold Medal Engineering
for Excellence. Four nos. research papers were also presented by the institute experts on this occasion.
Shri Narendra Mohan addressed the "Technical Conclave" organized by M/s Dhampur Sugar Group” on 12th
August, 2017 at New Delhi where he delivered a lecture on “Recent advancements in processing”
Sugar Tech -2017 was jointly organized by NSI and CII on 20th September, 2017 at Lucknow. Hon’ble Minister
of Sugarcane Development and Industries, Shri Suresh Rana and Principle Secretary (Sugar), Government
of U.P also graced the occasion. Various issues concerning sustainability, environment & modernization of
sugar industry were discussed during the seminar. A paper entitled “Indian sugar industry - A way forward” was also presented by the institute.
Two days National Seminar jointly organized by NSI-CSA University of Agril. & Technology on “Integrated approach for
enhancing sugarcane & farm productivity by adopting improved cultivation and analytical practices"b> on 6-7th
April, 2017 at NSI, Kanpur. Shri Ashok Kumar, Asstt. Prof. Agriculture Chemistry presented paper on “Site
specific nutrient management for maximization of crop yield and sustaining soil health” during the seminar.
One day National Workshop of "Reduction in Bagasse Moisture-Technological Options” organized by National
Sugar Institute on 17th April, 2017 at NSI Kanpur. The delegates from Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Karnataka,
Bihar, M.P., Punjab, Haryana, Uttarakhand, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, New Delhi and U.P attended the seminar.
Shri D. Swain Prof. of Sugar Engineering presented paper on “Moisture Reduction in Bagasse Technological
Options” during the seminar. During the seminar comparative study with respect to reduction in steam
consumption vs reduction in bagasse moisture was also presented. Various technology providers, KCP Chennai
& JPMA, Pune also presented details of their technology for reducing moisture % bagasse during milling.
One day National Seminar jointly organized by NSI-JPMA on “Sustainability of Sugar Industry-Management of
Resources" on 20th April, 2017 at Pune. Shri Narendra Mohan, Director, NSI, Shri D. Swain Prof. of Sugar
Engineering, Dr. A. Bajpai Prof. of Sugar Technology and Shri Vinay Kumar, Asstt. Prof. Sugar Engineering
presented papers on “Cane Sugar Industry- Latest Trends for Sustainability” and “Utilization of Existing
Electrical Installation to Reduce Breakdown Time and to save Initial Cost in New Installations” during the seminar
Shri Narendra Mohan, Director, National Sugar Institute and Shri Vinay Kumar, Asstt. Prof. Sugar Engineering
attended the 6th Technical Seminar organized by U.P. Distillers Association on "Modernization and Improvements
in Distillery Industry" on 28th April, 2017 at Noida. Shri Vinay Kumar presented paper on “Zero Spent
Discharge RSW Evaporation & Incineration Boiler” during the seminar.
Shri Narendra Mohan, Director, National Sugar Institute addressed STAI Seminar as Guest of honour &
delivered lecture on “Comparative Evaluation of Carbonation & Phosphatation process keeping in view
Industrial uses of Sugar” during the seminar held on 19th May, 2017 at Gangtok, Sikkim.
Director, National Sugar Institute also addressed, interactive Session organized by UPSMA at Lucknow on
"Adequacy of ETP to meet CPCB guidelines." He tried to put factual situation before the gathering and
efforts required to be carried out by the Sugar industry keeping in view the CPCB/SPCB guidelines. He
emphasized upon formulating separate norms for discharge from conventional standalone sugar plants,
sugar plants with high pressure co-generation & from sugar refineries.
Shri D. Swain, Prof. of Sugar Engineering and Shri Anoop Kanaujia, Asstt. Prof. of Sugar Engineering
presented their research paper on “Bagasse Drying, an Efficient Way of Saving Fuel in Sugar Industry” during the
all India Seminar organized by The Sugar Technologist’s Association of India on 3rd February 2017 at Meerut, U.P.
Shri V.P. Srivastava, Asstt. Prof. of Organic Chemistry attended Indo-German Workshop on Recent Applications
of Carbohydrates in Chemistry and Biology (RACCB-2017) from 14-16th February 2017 at IIT BHU, Varanasi and
made a poster presentation on “Utilization of Lignocellulogic Waste Biomass of Sugar Industry as a
Precursor to Access a Carbocatalyst”.
Shri Narendra Mohan, Director, National Sugar Institute, delivered key note address on “Energy and Water
Conservation” during the seminar organized jointly by SISSTA and SNSI, at Belagavi, Karnataka on 25th
February, 2017. Shri Vinay Kumar, Asstt. Prof. of Sugar Engineering and Shri Virendra Kumar, Technical
Officer (Instrumentation) also presented their paper on “Utilization of Solar Energy: An Opportunity for
Indian Sugar Industry” during the seminar.
Shri Narendra Mohan, Director, delivered a lecture on “Indian Sugar Industry-Recent Trends” during the
Faculty Development Program (FDP) on Emerging Trends in Food and Bioprocess Industries organized by Harcourt
Butler Technical University, Kanpur on 10th February, 2017.
Shri Narendra Mohan, Director and Dr. (Mrs.) Seema Paroha, Prof. of Biochemistry attended national seminar
on “Production of Ethanol/Biofuels from alternate source, ZLD through effluent treatment” organized by
AIDA at New Delhi on 22nd & 23rd February, 2017. Dr. (Mrs.) Seema Paroha, Prof. of Biochemistry also
presented a paper on “An overview of Indian cane molasses quality and need for alternate feed stocks” during the seminar.
Dr. Ashutosh Bajapi, Prof. of Sugar Technology attended one day all India seminar on “Emerging Trends in
use of Stainless Steel to combat Corrosion in Sugar & Allied Industries” organized by The Sugar Technologist’s
Association of India on 4th March, 2017 at Pune. During the seminar Dr. Bajpai presented a paper on
“Overview of Corrosion of Process Equipment in Indian Cane Sugar Industry”.
Shri Narendra Mohan, Director, National Sugar Institute inaugurated National Conference on “Advances in
Chemistry for Sustainable Development” organized by Harcourt Butler Technical University, Kanpur on 22nd
March, 2017 at HBTU Kanpur. He also delivered a lecture on need for a cohesive effort for development of
low cost indigenous technologies with all concerned disciplines joining hand in hand.
Shri Narendra Mohan, Director, National Sugar Institute and Dr. Ashok Kumar, Asstt. Prof. of Agriculture
Chemistry attended the National Conference on “Farmers Centric Agri-innovation for Sustainable Development”
organized by C.S. Azad University of Agriculture & Technology, Kanpur on 24-25th March, 2017 at Kanpur. Dr.
Ashok Kumar made a paper as well as poster presentation on “Effect of Potassium Application on Nutrient
Uptake, Yield and Quality of Sugarcane & Sustainable Soil Health” during the conference.
Shri J.P.Srivastava, Chief Design Engineer and Shri M.P. Singh, Sr. Technical Asstt. (Sugar Tech)
presented their papers on “Energy Efficiency in Sugar Mills” and “Reducing Steam Consumption in Boiling
House – An Overview” respectively during one day all India seminar organized by STAI on 14th October, 2016
at Amritsar. Shri Mool Chandra, Jr. Technical Officer (Sugar Technology) also attended the seminar.
Shri Narendra Mohan, Director, Shri Doctor Swain, Prof. Sugar Engineering, Dr. Seema Paroha, Prof. Bio
Chemistry, Shri A.K. Garg, Asstt. Prof. Sugar Technology and Shri Brajesh Singh, Technical Officer
(Instrumentation) attended the International Conference and Exhibition on “Sugarcane Value Chain – Vision
2025 Sugar” organized by Vasantdada Sugar Institute from 13-15th November, 2016 at Pune.
Three days residential training programme on “New Development in Pollution Control Technologies (Water &
Air) – Adequacy and Efficiency (with field visits)” for the officers of various State Pollution Control
Board’s was organized by the Institute at NSI from 9th - 11thNovember, 2016. Officials from UP, Uttarakhand,
Punjab, Gujarat, MP, Rajasthan attended the training programme.
Shri Narendra Mohan, Director, Dr. Ashutosh Bajapi, Professor of Sugar Technology, Dr.V.P. Srivastava,
Asstt. Professor of Organic Chemistry and Shri Mahendra Yadav, Junior Technical Officer(Sugar Technology)
attended the 29th Congress of ISSCT from 5th to 8th December 2016 held at Chiang Mai, Thailand to present
their research papers.
Shri Narendra Mohan, Director and Shri Mahendra Kumar Yadav, Junior Technical Officer(Sugar Technology)
attended the National Seminar on “Challenges, Opportunities and Innovative Approaches in Sugarcane:
Agriculture, Bio-energy and Climate Change” organized by U.P. Council of Sugarcane Research, Shahjahanpur,
U.P., from 21st to 23rd December, 2016. Shri Narendra Mohan, Director also presented a paper on “Sustainability
of the Indian Sugar Industry: A Road Map” during the seminar.
Prof. Narendra Mohan, Director, Dr. Ashutosh Bajpai, Prof. Sugar Technology, Shri J.P. Srivastava, Chief
Design Engineer, Shri Sanjay Chauhan, Asst. Prof. Sugar Engineering, Shri Anoop Kanaujia, Asstt. Prof.
Sugar Engineering, Shri MahendraYadav, Junior Technical Officer (Sugar Technology), Shri Vivek Pratap Singh,
Junior Technical Officer (Sugar Technology) and Shri Brajesh Singh, Technical Officer (Instrumentation)
attended the 74th Annual Convention of STAI at New Delhi from 27th -29th July, 2016.
Director, NSI, Kanpur attended the 46th annual convention of SISSTA, at Chennai, Tamil Nadu, on 15th -16th
July, 2016 and also inaugurated the Expo. Dr. V.P. Srivastava, Asstt. Prof. Organic Chemistry and Shri
MahendraYadav, Junior Technical Officer (Sugar Technology) who accompanied the Director presented their
research paper during the 46th Annual Convention of SISSTA at Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
Director, NSI, Kanpur delivered lecture on “Ethanol Outlook” organized on 22-23rd August, 2016 at New Delhi
and also participated in the panel discussions on: “Indian Fuel Ethanol Programme-The Way Forward”.
Shri S.K.Trivedi, Assistant Prof. Sugar Technology and Shri Anoop Kanaujia, Assistant Prof. Sugar Engineering
attended the workshop on “Concentrating Solar Thermal Technologies for Industries” jointly organized by
Confederation of Indian Industry with M/o New and Renewable Energy, Govt. of India on 22nd July, 2016 at
जल संरक्षण व C.P.E.B.के उद्देश्य की प्राप्ति विषय पर मई,2016 में अखिल भारतीय संगोष्ठी का आयोजन राष्ट्रीय शर्करा संस्थान में कानपुर और भारतीय शर्करा तकनीक संगठन के सहयोग से किया गया। इस कार्यक्रम में सभी प्रमुख शर्करा उत्पादक राज्यों के 150 वक्ता मौजूद थे इसका आयोजन 12 मई, 2016 को किया गया।
NISSTA द्वारा आयोजित IEAR भारतीय गन्ना शोध संस्थान, लखनऊ के वार्षिक औपचारिक बैठक और तकनीकी प्रर्दशनी 2016 में संस्थान के निदेशक श्री नरेन्द्र मोहन ने स्वागत भाषण में प्रस्तुत किया। श्री अनूप कनौजिया ने उत्तर प्रदेश में उर्जा जरुरतों को पूरा करने में शर्करा संस्थानों का योगदान विषय पर और डॉ0 अशोक कुमार ने पौटैशियम, जिंक तथा सल्फर का चुकन्दर की संरचना आधारित जैव रसायन लक्षणों पर प्रभाव का उपयोग इथेनॉल के उत्पादन में विषय पर उसी कार्यक्रम में क्रमशः दिनांक 29 एवं 30 अप्रैल, 2016 को शोध पत्र प्रस्तुत किये।
श्री जे.पी. श्रीवास्तव, प्रमुख डियायन अभियंता और श्री एम. के बनर्जी, वरिष्ठ संयंत्र अभियंता ने मिलकर अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सतत एवं दूषित वाहित जल व्यवस्था पर आयोजित कार्यक्रम पुणे में अपना शोध पत्र जल संरक्षण और भारतीय शर्करा उद्योगों में जल प्रबन्धन एस नवीन अवधारणा विषय पर अपना शोध प्रस्तुत किया।
श्री नरेन्द्र मोहन, निर्देशक ने जैविक शर्करा के उत्पादन पर जोर देने के साथ भारत में विशेष शूगर के उत्पादन के संबंध में "परिदृश्य प्रस्तुत कियावार्षिक संगोष्ठी, संघ एंड्रयू वान हुक (ए.वी.एच), रिम्स, फ्रांस में और संपादक, आईएसजे, राष्ट्रपति एवीएच और अन्य रंगों से ऑनलाइन रंग निगरानी, क्रिस्टल इमेजिंग, परिष्कृत शर्करा की सुखाने के साथ विस्तृत चर्चा 6 वें और 7 अप्रैल 2016
जैव रसायन संकाय से डॉ0 सीमा परोहा, कार्बनिस रसायन विभाग के सहायक प्रोफेसर, डॉ विष्णु प्रभाकर श्रीवास्तव , वरिष्ठ वैज्ञानिक पदाधिकारी (कृषि रसायन विभाग) डॉ0 लोकेश बाबर, श्री महेन्द्र प्रताप सिंह, एस.टी.ए. आदि ने प्रयोगशाला गुणवत्ता प्रबन्धन (LQMS) और आई.एस.ओ./आई.ई.सी. 17025¬¬ 2005 के अंतर्गत लेखा परीक्षण का प्रशिक्षण सत्र में भाग लिया जिसका आयोजन आई.आई.क्यू एम जयपुर में 14 से 17 मार्च 2016 तक किया गया था।
1- डॉ0 जाहर सिंह, सस्थान के तकनीक के सहायक प्राध्यापक और शिक्षा पदाधिकारी ने एक कार्यशाला में भाग लिया जिसका विषय था महिलाओं के प्रति होने वाले लैंगिक उत्पीड़नों के विरुद्ध नियत समय में उठाए जाने वाले कदमों के प्रति तकनीकी संस्थानों में शिक्षकों तथा प्रबन्धक को जागरुक करना। इस कार्यक्रम का आयोजन अखिल भारतीय तकनीकी शिक्षा संगठन के द्वारा लखलऊ में 28 नवम्बर, 2015 को किया गया।
2- श्री नरेन्द्र मोहन, हमारे संस्थान के निदेशक ने जल परिष्करण और शर्करा उधोगों में प्रदूषण नियंत्रण एवं इसका प्रबन्धन विषय पर आयोजिक राष्ट्रीय कार्यशाला से अपना व्याख्यान दिया। जिसका आयोजन 31 अक्टूबर 2015 को डी ए वी –पी जी कालेज कानपुर में किया गया था।
3- डॉ लोकेश बाबर कृषि रसाय़न विभाग के कनिष्ठ
वैज्ञानिक ने 8 दिवसीय प्रशिक्षण शिविर में भाग लिया जिसका विषय था शर्करा आधारित कृषि व्यापार प्रबन्धन में उन्नति इसका आयोजन कृषि एवं कृषक कल्याण मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार द्वारा 6 से 13 अक्टूबर 2015 को भारतीय गन्ना शोध संस्थान, लखनऊ में किया गया।
4- संस्थान के निदेशक नरेन्द्र मोहन और सहायक आचार्य श्री विनय कुमार ने अखिल भारतीय व्यापार सम्मेलन में गन्ने की खोई आधारित उर्जा उत्पादन संयंत्र विषय पर आयोजित कार्यक्रम में भाग लिया। इस कार्यक्रम का आयोजन M.N.R.E. और भारतीय सह उत्पाद संगठन के द्वारा 10 अक्टूबर 2015 को उत्तराखण्ड के देहरादून में किया गया था।
5- डॉ0 सन्तोष कुमार, जैव रसायन विभाग के सहायक आचार्य द्वारा अखिल भारतीय सेमिनार में किण्वन एवं आबकारी तकनीक अल्कोहल उत्पादन में विकास आबकारी उद्योग में जल तथा ऊर्जा संरक्षण उच्च परिष्करण तकनीक के विकास से शून्य ह्रास 250 आदि विषयों पर अखिल भारतीय आबकारी संगठन के 8 एवं 9 अक्टूबर 2015 को बंगलुरु में आयोजित कार्यक्रम शोध पत्र प्रस्तुत किया।
6- शर्करा अभियांत्रिकी के आचार्य डॉ0 स्वेन, शर्करा तकनीक के सहायक आचार्य श्री एस.के. त्रिवेदी, शर्करा अभियांत्रिकी के सहायक आचार्य श्री विनय कुमार, अखिल भारतीय व्यापार संगठन की बैठक में शामिल हुए जिसका विषय था “गन्ने की खोई आधारित सह उत्पाद से ऊर्जा संयंत्र का विकास ” इसका आयोजन M.N.R.E. और भारतीय सह उत्पाद संगठन की सहयोग से 8 अक्टूबर, 2015 को लखनऊ में किया गया।
7- श्री नरेन्द्र मोहन, संस्थान के निदेशक ने एक दिवसीय व्यापारिक बैठक का उद्घाटन एवं संबोधन किया जिसका विषय था “विस्तृत आवकारी/इथेनाल परियोजना के साथ-साथ भष्मकारी ब्वायलर और TG set संबंधित तकनीक आधारित विविय मामले” इसका आयोजन 30 सितम्बर 2015 को बेलगाँव कर्नाटक में किया गया।
8संस्थान के निदेशक श्री नरेन्द्र मोहन, शर्करा तकनीक के आचार्य डॉ0 आशुतोष बाजपेयी, शर्करा अभियांत्रकी के डॉ0 स्वैन, प्रमुख डिजायन अभियंता, श्री जे.पी. श्रीवास्तव , शर्करा तकनीक के सहायक आचार्य श्री जितेन्द्र सिहं, वरिष्ठ संयंत्र अभियंता श्री एम.के बनर्जी , कनिष्ठ तकनीकी पदाधिकारी (शर्करा तकनीक) श्री महेन्द्र प्रताप, तकनीक पदाधिकारी (संयंत्र प्रबन्धक) श्री वीरेन्द्र कुमार आदि ने 4 से 6 सितम्बर 2015 को ग्यारहवी सामुहिक औपचारिक
बैठक, जिसका आयोजन STAI और DSTA के द्वारा गोवा में किया गया था, में अपने शोध पत्र प्रस्तुत किए।
9- NISSTA, IISR और कृषि मंत्रालय द्वारा आयोजित 22 अगस्त 2015 को लखनऊ के सेमिनार में संस्थान के निदेशक ने मुख्य बिन्दुओं पर विचार रखे उक्त संगोष्ठी में शर्करा तकनीक के आचार्य डॉ जाहर सिंह भी उपस्थित थे।
10- श्री संजय चौहान एवं अनूप कनौजिया (शर्करा अभियांत्रिकी के सहायक आचार्य) और श्री बृजेश सिंह (तकनीकी पदाधिकारी) संयंत्र प्रबन्धन) ने अपने अपने शोध पत्र SISSTA के 45वें वार्षिक सम्मेलन, बंगलुरु में 25 एवं 20 जुलाई 2015 को प्रस्तुत किए।
11- निदेशक महोदय ने द्धितीय पीढ़ी के जैव इथनाल विषय पर जैविक ईंधन मिशन उत्तर प्रदेश सरकार द्वारा लखनऊ में आयोजित 15 जुलाई 2015 के कार्यक्रम में अपने व्याख्यान प्रस्तुत किए।
12- निदेशक महोदय ने “शर्करा उद्योग की बेहतर आर्थिक स्थिति के लिए इथेनॉल उत्पादन” विषय पर मुम्बई में होने वाले 7वें एशिया शर्करा सम्मेलन में दिनांक 22 मई, 2015 को व्याख्यान प्रस्तुत किया। श्री जितेन्द्र सिंह, संस्थान के शर्करा तकनीक के सहायक आचार्य ने भी इस सम्मेलन में भाग लिया।
13- निदेशक महोदय, जैव रसायन विभाग की डॉ0 सीमा परोहा और कनिष्ठ तकनीकी पदाधिकारी (शर्करा तकनीक) अखिल भारतीय सेमिनार में उपस्थित रहे जिसका आयोजन 11 मई, 2015 को हैदरावाद में “दक्षिण भारतीय गन्ना एवं शर्करा तकनीक संगठन” के द्वारा किया गया था। इसका विषय “शर्करा आधारित प्राकृतिक जटिलताएँ”
14- एक दिवसीय कार्यशाला में निदेशक महोदय ने “मूल्य आधारित शर्करा उद्योग” पर अपना व्याख्यान प्रस्तुत किया। इस कार्यक्रम का आयोजन लाल बहादुर शास्त्री गन्ना किसान संगठन, लखनऊ द्वारा उत्तर प्रदेश में 30 अप्रैल, 2015 को “गन्ना उत्पादन और शर्करा उद्योग की वर्तमान चुनौतियाँ और निदान के उपाय” विषय पर किया गया था।
15- निदेशक महोदय अखिल भारतीय सेमिनार विषय “गन्ना उत्पादन में विवधता आधारित विकास एवं तकनीकी यंत्रों का उपयोग” में भी उपस्थित रहे। जिसका आयोजन 28 अप्रैल, 2015 को मध्य प्रदेश के इंदौर में किया गया।
16- तकनीकी पदाधिकारी श्री जितेन्द्र कुमार (संयंत्र आधारित) एवं कनिष्ठ तकनीकी पदाधिकारी (शर्करा तकनीक) श्री नरेन्द्र देव एवं लघु समावधि में आधारित पाठ्यक्रम “मूल्यांकन एवं प्रदान पत्र निर्माण ” विषय पर 24 अप्रैल, 2015 के कार्यक्रम में शामिल रहे जिसका आयोजन राष्ट्रीय तकनीकी शिक्षक प्रशिक्षण और शोध संस्थान, चण्डीगढ़ द्वारा किया गया था।
प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम - जनवरी, 2015
“शर्करा उत्पादन एवं गुणवत्ता निर्धारण” संबंधित तीन दिवसीय कार्यक्रम राष्ट्रीय शर्करा संस्थान में 20 से 22 जनवरी, 2015 तक, मेसर्स ट्रॉप्लाइट फूड प्रा0 लिमिटेड, ग्वालियर म0प्र0 के तकनीशियनों हेतु आयोजित की गई है। इस कार्यक्रम में शामिल होने वाले अभ्यर्थियों को गुणवत्ता प्रबन्धन निर्धारण और उत्पादन के दरम्यान कच्चे माल का विश्लेषण, शोधन और श्वेत शर्करा के उत्पादन आदि विषयों पर सैद्धान्तिक एवं प्रायोगिक प्रशिक्षण प्रदान किया गया।
मेसर्स ईद पैरी संगठन की माँग पर दो सप्ताह का विशेष प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम संस्थान के द्वारा मेसर्स सिल्क रोड काकीनाडा तेलगाना में, उद्धयमियों के लिए आयोजित किया गया। प्रशिक्षण के दौरान विभिन्न उत्पादन इकाइयों के सैद्धान्तिक पक्ष यथा कच्चा शर्करा प्रबन्धन पिघलान, सफाई, रंजविहीन करना, रवाकरण एवं संचयन जैसे शर्करा शोधन के बारे में प्रतिभागियों को विस्तृत जानकारी प्रदान किया गया ।